So, you’re thinking about subscribing, are ya? Well, you should! All the cool kids are doing it. There are lots of choices for your subscribing pleasure. Behold…

Not much into RSS Readers? I hear ya. So why not get emails straight to your inbox every day that I post something to Modern Reject? Who doesn’t love a good email?! Sign up (over there -> in the nifty “enter your email” box). You know you want to.

I have to admit, I didn’t use to like Twitter much. But, man has it grown on me. I’m there everyday and I tweet all kinds of stuff, not just my blog posts. So follow me. That way you can hear the hilarious things my kids say, discover some sage quotes, and only read the occasionally banal.
Tumblr is where I got my blogging start, so I still have a soft spot in my heart for the micro-blogging community. If you’re on there, get my posts right on your Tumblr dashboard. It’s that easy.
Ah, Facebook. Who doesn’t have a FB account these days (my 87 year old grandma? Oh, wait…) . I love chattin’ it up on FB, meeting new people, and updating you all about what’s going on within ye olde Modern Reject community. Look who’s hanging out with me already…