My Good Days and Bad Days

from the archives

On my good days, I am happy and smiling. On my bad days, I am grumpy, short-tempered, and irritable.

On my good days, I feel content and at peace, thanking God for the life he has given me and the ways in which He has provided. On my bad days, I am restless, bored, and daydreaming of escaping to a place where I can just be alone.

On my good days, I am confident. On my bad days, I feel incompetent.

On my good days, I trust Him, listen to Him, and am honest with Him. On my bad days, I doubt Him, yell at Him, and am honest with Him.

On my good days, I am patient, consistent, and predictable. On my bad days, I am quick-tempered and thoughtless.

On my good days, I feel empowered and ready to conquer the world. On my bad days, I feel defeated and would rather stay in bed.

On my good days, I am creative. On my bad days, I am burdened.

On my good days, I am expressive and vocal, honest and caring. On my bad days, I shut down, withdraw, and tuck my feelings away.

On my good days, I show love. On my bad days, I need to be loved.

On my good days, I am hopeful, optimistic, and certain of the good things to come. On my bad days, I worry, stress, and feel complete certainty that nothing good will ever come.

On my good days, I am growing, being stretched and matured. On my bad days, I am regressing.

On my good days, I like myself, a lot. On my bad days, I don’t, at all.

On my good days, I am encouraged and encouraging. On my bad days, I am discouraged and discouraging.

On my good days, I let Him dwell within me. On my bad days, I dwell alone.

On my good days, my mind is at rest, thinking only of lovely and pleasing things. On my bad days, my mind runs away from me and enters dark places.

On my good days, I care only what He thinks. On my bad days, I care about what everyone else thinks.

On my good days, I am surrounded by those who love and support me. On my bad days, I am alone.

On my good days, I awaken in His presence and stay there. On my bad days, I awaken in His presence and slowly drift to another place.

On my good days, I am led by the Spirit. On my bad days, I am led by my flesh.

On my good days, I am me. On my bad days, I am me.

On my good days, He is. On my bad days, He still is.

What are you like on your good and bad days? What is He like?

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4 thoughts on “My Good Days and Bad Days”

  1. On my good days my life resembles God’s will for my life. On my bad days my life resembles my own limited abilities and human prespective.

  2. I’m not sure I can add anything to what you’ve already said about the symptoms. I will, however, make the observation that I find it interesting that when I look back at what made it a “good” day versus making it a “bad” day, it is often the silliest of little details that made the difference – and that it often involved another human being.

    I suspect that we often make someone else’s day good or bad by how we interact with them. It’s a reminder about the power of our words and actions on other people in our “community”.

  3. You have a pretty comprehensive list. I might be duplicating something in your list, but this is my primary stuff.

    On my good days,I am encouraging, finding good in everyone; on my bad days, no one can do anything right.

    On my good days, I give all my worries to God; on my bad days I lose sleep from fretting.

    On my good days, I can see how far my kids, my husband and I have come through the work of God; on bad days, all I can see is how far we have to go.

    On my good days, I am thankful for everything I do; on my bad days, even the pleasures of Walt Disney World seems dismal.

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