7 Things the Church Should Change

Today’s guest post is from Antwuan Malone, a truth-speaking, word-slinging writer and blogger. Antwuan has appeared on Modern Reject before (and rocked it, I might add) and I am excited to have him back. I hope you enjoy this post as much as me.

I received a rant from a fellow writer and friend of mine, about some of the more frustrating things going on in the church community. It was so great a list, it inspired me to create my own. So here it is. At the end, I hope you comment with some of your own suggestions too.

I don’t want this post to become a mindless bashing of Church culture. That’s not the point at all. The things on the list are things we feel stand in the way of true Christian community as God intends.  In essence, it’s an iron sharpens iron kind of thing, not a “let’s look at all the things wrong and make fun of them” thing. In fact, you should be on the lookout for the next Seven Things post, “Things I Hope Never Change About the Church.” coming very soon (you can comment on that as well if you’d like to get a jump start.)

Disclaimer aside, let us begin!


My Own List of 7 Things the Church Should Change! Here we go…

1.  Church Capitalism – this whole “church on every corner” thing has been old for a long time. It’d be great if we all worked together, but alas, ’tis not so. The idea that churches can’t seem to work together is the most tragic, hypocritical thing about churches and spiritual leadership in our generation. And by work together, I mean more than the periodic Fall Festival (though that’s a great start! Some churches can’t even do that with each other.)

2.  Limited Demographics – Ah, this is a pet peeve of mine. The demographics a church targets should grow as the church grows. That means there should be something for everyone, both from an age standpoint, and from a station in life standpoint. Too often, churches are content with one of the safe demographics of families, marrieds, empty-nesters, children, teens, etc… If you’re homosexual, single college-aged, atheists, agnostics, skeptical, or even a Christian with skeptical thoughts then good luck.

You’d better find a book, because most churches aren’t targeting you. All people are our ultimate goal. God has not given us the liberty to give up on anyone(s). Yes, that includes the people not like us, the ones who hate us, and people who don’t (financially) benefit us.

3.  Christianese – The nausea-inducing church verbiage and phrases that are spouted on many a Sunday Morning is way out of hand… and you know it! Half the time we don’t know/believe what we’re saying.

4.  Shooting The Messenger – I’ve talked about this on this site already. This is probably the reason for that lone, persistent gray hair growing on my chin. Let’s stop this please! I’m only 33. I’m talking about the price spiritual leaders pay for their sins. Despite knowing Sunday’s sermon was God’s words, and not the preacher’s, we still expect the preacher to be some super Christian. We already know pastor’s aren’t perfect. If perfection was the requisite then no one could hold the office.   Let’s allow our pastors to be the people they are, to struggle with the sin they struggle with, and let’s be the community they need just like we are for each other.

5.  The Budget to Service Ratio – While I think stewardship is big on the “get it right “ list of churches, I find it hard to believe that God just wants us to collect money and let it sit. Build wide not tall. That’s what Jesus did. More people means less money, that’s my theory anyway. We give to give away.

6.   Church Plants – I think church planting is great, and I absolutely love the out-of-the-box thinking that many a church planter has. But everyone doesn’t need a church (see #1). There is room for innovative ministry within the current structure provided we’re willing to make room for change.

Beer ministries, house homes, and porch parties are all good, but let’s be careful not to swing too far in one direction. We like living in extremes, from the ultra-conservative who needs a building for “church” to the ultra-modern, nomadic Christian that sees the “building” as obsolete. There’s room for both in God’s program. Keep what works, adjust what doesn’t and stay away from the extremes.

7.  Serving – This is an area where I personally  need  improvement, so excuse me while I stomp on my own toes. Isn’t it interesting how motivated we are to go to New Orleans, China, Haiti, <insert tragedy stricken country/state/city>, but when Jimmy down the street needs his grass cut, we’re “too busy”.  Okay, grass cutting is trivial. But what about when a family on need a car? Or when a community is suddenly hit with job loss, and needs help feeding their family to get by. Service can be one street over. You don’t need a road trip to get there! (yikes! My poor feetsies!)

Your Turn!

What are some ways or things you’d like to see change in the church? Do you agree or disagree with anything on this list?

Antwuan Malone is a freelance writer and blogger who desires to engage in candid conversations that (re)think Christianity. You can learn and read more about his blog, Candid Christianity at http://antwuanmalone.com/about twitter: @antwuanmalone.com facebook.com/antwuanmalone

3 thoughts on “7 Things the Church Should Change”

  1. The one man band syndrome. Toss the Pastor a bone. Take this weeks visitation or at the very least go to the hospital/etc with him. Just cause he is the pastor doesn’t mean he’s the only investing in this thing.

    Clip the wall flowers. When we are at an event of any kind, whether it is a church thing or not, look around for those folks on the fringe. Christians tend to be a little exclusive because of our new-birth right.

    Cut up your church card. It’s that thing that makes you think that be3cause you attended service and one event that your church responsibilities are finished for the week. You can go back to your life till the next set of requirements needs to be punched on your card. It’s time that our faith engaged our entire being.

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