The Most Important Type of Church

I read this quote the other day, and I have to say, I completely disagree with it:

A good church is a Bible-centered church. Nothing is as important as this–not a large congregation, a witty pastor, or tangible experiences of the Holy Spirit.”― Alistair Begg

I mean, on the surface, I think it sounds right. We know that as believers, the Bible is our bread. It is God’s very Word to us, able to divide joints and marrow (spiritually speaking). But is a Bible-centered church really the most important thing in creating a “good church” (whatever that means)?

Consider the Acts church, which grew rapidly and spread the Gospel like wild fire. Do you think the thing they focused on most, was the Bible? Was it within the Bible, and from the Bible, that they found their strength and power?

I doubt it. I think the Acts church focused most of their energy on something else entirely.

I once heard a pastor at a local Phoenix area mega-church talk about the 3 kinds of churches that exist. The first church is a Bible church, that focuses primarily on the Word. The second is a Jesus church that focus mainly on the Person of Jesus. And the third kind of church, he said, was a Holy Spirit church, that was more so preoccupied with things of the Spirit.

So after reading that quote and recalling this pastor’s sermon, I got to thinking; which type of church is best? Which of the 3 types should we strive to achieve and focus our energies upon? Continue reading The Most Important Type of Church

Homosexuality and Where the Church Has Failed

I feel like I’ve backed myself into a corner. I feel like I’ve created a monster, wherein I casually debate hot-button or controversial issues on this blog, and thus people are expecting me to feed that monster. Truth be told, I don’t want to feed it. I want it to slither back into its cave and leave me alone.

But it’s not going anywhere.

I’ve debated in my mind over and over again about how, and if, I should address the issue of homosexuality and gay-marriage on this blog. I’ve had people write me and ask that I do. I have friends, whom I love, that daily struggle with this issue in personal and profound ways.

My knee-jerk reaction has been to write a divisive, controversial, button-pushing post on the subject, clearly articulating my views, and simultaneously pulverizing the opposition. I felt certain that if I did, it would cause a ruckus, but I felt ready for that response…or so I thought.

Thankfully, in the midst of feeling the need to respond to this news article, or that court decision, this legislative act, or that blog post, I stopped and did the one thing that always makes things clear… Continue reading Homosexuality and Where the Church Has Failed

The Lukewarm Christian

The lukewarm Christian has become an epidemic. It is an often unspoken, but all too present reality in the American Church. The lukewarm Christian is the Sunday Christian, checking into service at 9:00 a.m. and checking out at 10:30 a.m.

They are the believers who serve as little as possible, give as little as possible, and love God as little as possible.

The lukewarm Christian is content where they are and resist anyone challenging or questioning their heart or desire for God.

The Lukewarm Christian is a disgrace to God and His reputation.

I have been the lukewarm Christian. I have quietly resided in the place of apathy, being neither hot nor cold for God.

But when we discover this about ourselves, when we say the words out loud, “I am lukewarm,” what then? It is not enough to acknowledge it and walk away. Christ’s love compels us to have a radical response to this realization. It must…

After watching this video, how do you feel? Convicted? Motivated? Thankful? Moved? If you found yourself saying “I am lukewarm,” what will your response be now?

Are You an Amoral or a Moral Christian?

Today’s guest post is from the truth-speaking, always honest, Jesus-loving Ken Hagerman. Ken’s blog is called Rambling with the Barba and I highly recommend it. Hope you enjoy.

I’ve noticed something a little odd lately. I was reading a book and one of the characters was described as a good moral Christian. I was listening to an audio presentation and the guest was introduced as a salt-of-the-Earth type. “She’s a good Christian, moral person” they said. The pairing of the words moral and Christian is popping up a lot. Maybe I’m just naïve. I know I’m a big ole dumb southern male and all, but I thought that morality and Christianity kinda went together. Like, I follow Jesus and therefore I am moral.

Silly me.

When did we cross over into territory where we needed to qualify Christians as moral? Did it happen to coincide with the push for authenticity?

“No sirree, these aren’t your run of the mill Jesus Freaks– They’re moral, too.”

I’m not using this opportunity as a call for legalism. It’s a call for the saturation of the spirit of our name sake, Jesus. Continue reading Are You an Amoral or a Moral Christian?

What God Will Never Ask You…

It’s inevitable–we’re all going to die. There, I said it. And now that I’ve started off this post on a happy note…

Since we know we’re going to die, then it goes without saying, we will assuredly stand before God in that lovely little thing called Judgement.

Now, I’m not heaven-minded. I don’t tend to have what they call an “eternal perspective.” I’m pretty much a today-is-the-day-kind- of-girl. But I know that much of what consumes me, what consumes us ad nauseam, is not what the Lord is consumed with. He is consumed with love. Heck, He is an all consuming fire (Hebrew 12:29).

Yet, when we consider these things, and I mean really consider them, perhaps we would think of Judgement a bit differently. When we are standing before God and we are asked to give an account of our life, what will He ask us? I doubt He will pose many questions regarding the things we find so pressing today.

Now, I’m not entirely sure. I’m just taking a guess here, but I’m pretty sure…

God will not ask you… Continue reading What God Will Never Ask You…

How Green Should the Church Be?

The other day, while driving around on a gorgeous Spring day here in Arizona, my kids were observing the sites out of their car windows. Spotting birds, mountains, beautiful houses, trees. My son then said, “It’s bad to cut down trees. We don’t cut down trees, huh mommy?”

My husband looked at me and whispered, “Lorax,” referring to the recent Dr. Seuss movie that our kids had seen with him.

I began to explain to them that we certainly had to cut down some trees. We needed trees. We use paper products from trees every single day. But I also explained that it is our responsibility to plant more trees and find other ways of replacing trees (you know, what people refer to as “sustainable resources”).

But after this brief little discussion with my kids, I got to thinking about the church and being green. Sure, I’ve pondered this subject before. I’ve clenched my jaw  and gritted my teeth as Christians talk about going green, being green, and staying green.

But how green is the church suppose to be? Continue reading How Green Should the Church Be?

The Power of God

So many of us worship a different God. Oh, it’s still the God of Jacob. The God of Abraham. Yahweh.

Jesus Christ.

But, as my days in salvation go on, I have seen and met so many hopeless Christians. So many people, who are complacent in their faith. Lukewarm. Vacillating.

I have seen so many people who perhaps intellectually know God. They even love God, but they have never once experienced the power of God.

My hearts breaks when I consider this. I feel pangs in my chest when I grasp the fact that so many of my brethren have never, not once, felt His presence, been swept up in His Spirit, had a supernatural experience with the Living God.

Instead they have very different experiences… Continue reading The Power of God

God Loves Copycats

A couple of months ago, I had the chance to be interviewed by Drew Marshall on his radio show.  A few weeks prior to the actual radio spot, Drew and I shared a phone conversation. He was wanting to get to know me. Who is this Modern Reject chick and what is she all about?

He asked me if I am Donald Miller-ite. “No,” I answered flatly. “Well then, do you worship at the altar of Beth Moore,” he asked? “Um, not exactly,” I responded.

He paused for a moment and then told me very bluntly that he needed to know who I identified with in the Christian culture if he was to “get to know” me. I scrambled for a second. I hate questions like this. What authors I read is one thing. What Christian leaders I respect is another…

…but who do I worship? Who do I identify with my faith? I struggled to answer and then said the only thing I could… Continue reading God Loves Copycats

Are You a Saint or a Sinner?

We’ve all heard Christians say it and we’ve most likely said it ourselves: “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.”

We tell unbelievers that we are sinners just like them, only difference is, we’ve met Jesus, accepted His gift of salvation, and been saved.

And let me just say, this is completely false.

That’s right. We are lying when we speak these words. We are not sinners. We are something quite different… Continue reading Are You a Saint or a Sinner?

Prayer Request Day

It’s that time again. Time for me to ask all of you how I can be praying for you.

No, I’m not being nosy (well maybe just a tad bit nosy). I really like to know how I can pray for each of you, what God is doing, has done, and is yet to do in your lives.

I commit that for every one who leaves a comment sharing a prayer request, I will pray for your need. I love praying for you. It’s one small way for me to show my appreciation for the many ways you all continually bless me.

And if you would be so kind, I will share my prayer needs, and humbly ask you to pray for me, as well.

Here goes:

I’ve been having some doubt lately. Doubt about God’s goodness towards me. Doubt about His love for me. Doubt about whether or not I can keep going like I’ve been going (sorry for being vague on this one, but there is a post to soon follow).

Also, I tired and not like a little tired. I’m exhausted. I haven’t slept all the way through the night, uninterrupted in about 9 months. Most days I feel like a zombie at best.

So would you please pray for me? Pray for my questions. Pray for my faith and my hope to swell. And pray for rest, real rest, to find me.

Okay, now it’s your turn. How can I pray for YOU? You can be as specific or as vague as you’d like. But please feel comfortable. This is a community…and more than that, we’re family.

What do YOU need prayer for? I’m all ears…