Friday Findings: Privacy, Pinterest, and Loving Obama

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectSo, you may have noticed that Friday Findings have been a little absent the last few weeks. I apologize, but hopefully now that I have my act together you’ll have lots to read.

There’s so much good stuff to share. I bursting at the seams…not really, but I’m excited. Here we go:

Censoring God. My friend Moe of Beta Christian nails it. If you happen to frequent Christian blogs or you are a Christian blogger, read this!

Is Jesus the Only Way? In his usual brilliant way, Frank Viola, sets out to answer a series of question from skeptics in regards to Christianity. The portion I enjoyed best asks if Jesus is the only way? This is powerful and yet practical stuff. Necessary tools for any believer. Here’s part one to start, as well: There is a God.

College. Forget It. From the blog Christ and Pop Culture is a succinct and well-written blog post after my own heart called, Is College Worth the Money?

Pinterest and Christians. If you are a woman, chances are Pinterest has made you feel bad about yourself at some point. And yet, we keep going back. Nikki Weatherford wrote a great post called The Pinterest Guide to the Christian Life. So good.

I Love Barack Obama. Regardless of your politics (because this has absolutely nothing to do with politics) you need to read this post from Jamal Jivanjee, Why I Love Barack Hussein Obama (An Open Letter to the Saints in America). If you read nothing else, please read this. It exemplifies the Father’s love and could be one of my favorite examples of God’s heart…ever.

A Call for Privacy. From Sarah Markley over at a Deeper Story. She writes: “But we often don’t value people who are wise enough to keep some of their lives private.” This post is filled with truth and addresses our over-sharing, Instagram-loving, Facebook-updating culture.

Jesus Healed Me! Lastly, a video, which I rarely do (but am going to try and do more often actually). I watched this the other night and got choked up. We make it so complicated and it’s not. It’s so simple. God. Jesus. He loves us. He is awesome.

Did you watch the video? I mean, seriously, does it get any better? What did you discover this week that is share-worthy? Let’s hear it!

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