So, it’s Friday again and while I’m a little late posting today’s Favorite Things, I thought what the heck, I’ll do it anyway.
Here’s what I have been loving, enjoying, or obsessing about this week:
Gay men loving Jesus. Okay, if you missed Wednesday’s guest post by Matt Appling about sexual identity, stop what you’re doing and read it now. Be sure to read the comments too, especially one by Darylhb. He sums up the struggle and beauty of being same-sex attracted with such wisdom and grace, it makes my heart swell. Subsequently, I now have a blog post idea brewing on the issue.
Babies. Well, actually just one baby–my new son, Beckett. About 4 days ago, he decided to cry whenever he is awake, which means a lot of crying and desperately trying to get him back to sleep. I’m exhausted. Please pray for him…and me.
Gitzengirl. Choose Joy. That is the phrase of a young woman named Sara, who is suffering and now dying, from a painful and rare disease. She happens to be a blogger who has shared her story and struggle with thousands. She has chosen joy, despite her circumstances. She was recently (as in a few days ago) told that her body is failing her. Please, visit her blog, read her story, share her with others, and pray as Jesus ushers her home.
Speaking. I am currently preparing for a speaking engagement I was invited to attend. The big day is only a few short weeks away and let me tell you, I am so out of my league. I am trusting God for the results. I will give you more info as the day gets closer.
Acts. I recently began a study of the Book of Acts, along with about 50 other women. I am already dwelling on thoughts of the Holy Spirit and His presence. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 Thank you Lord for giving us the Helper, without whom this Christian life would seem impossible.
So where have your thoughts been this week? What have you been thinking about, dwelling on, praying for? Good or bad?
PSSSSSST- I also did an interview for Something Beautiful podcast this week. I talked about how I found Christ, why I blog, organic church, and finding real community–among other things. Check it out here!