Friday Findings: Beyond Evangelical, Church Abuse, and Guilt

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectI have to admit, I’ve been feeling a bit lazy these days. Blogging has not been on the top of my to-do list. Hopefully though, I’ll start to gain some motivation and momentum soon. Thanks for sticking around lately while my number of posts has been a little less than usual.

This week, in my laziness and lounging, I have really just been enjoying being home with my kids, who have been very sick the last week and a half. Granted, being stuck at home with the three of them does make me want to scream some times, but overall it has been relaxing. I’ve also managed to peruse the internet more than usual.

Here’s some of what has struck my fancy this week: Continue reading Friday Findings: Beyond Evangelical, Church Abuse, and Guilt

Why I Don’t Like Women’s Ministry…

I have some kind of adverse reaction to all things “womanly,” meaning all things related to women’s ministry. If I take it a step further, I really mean all things Christian and women.

…Things like scrapbooking, play dates, girls night out, quilted Bible covers, any mention of the Proverbs 31 woman, Beth Moore, touchy-feely-ness, emotions, and Christian romance novels. Eek!

Now don’t get me wrong, individually, I have secretly (and even occasionally, publicly) enjoyed many of these things, but that doesn’t change the fact that they also simultaneously make my skin crawl.

For a long time, I used to believe that I was just born a bit of a rebel. I can remember as a child naturally questioning authority. I never just took someone’s word for it.

As I grew older, that tendency to question turned into a bit of skepticism, but not for long. Upon knowing Jesus, I really did let much of my skepticism go. It seemed that the answer to so many of my questions was Him.

However, I remain somewhat of a rogue agent, I suppose. I never like doing what everyone else is doing, but I also get icky feelings about participating in certain things. Women’s Ministry, as it were, is one of them. As for why, I’m still trying to figure that part out.

Perhaps I don’t like being a part of the crowd, just another face, just another number. Much of my experience in women’s ministry has been sort of that–me, alongside dozens, if not hundreds of other women. Perhaps it’s something else though… Continue reading Why I Don’t Like Women’s Ministry…

God is Good..Blah, blah, blah…

The other day, I was relating a story to my husband about something great God had done. “Yeah, and then God did this and then He did that. He healed them. He saved them! It was awesome. You know, God is good. Blah, blah, blah.”

My husband immediately caught my slip and burst out laughing. “God is good. Blah, blah, blah?” he asked.

I hadn’t even realized I’d said it, but I had meant it. I had be re-telling a story about God’s awesomeness, His power, His redemption and I just reduced His goodness to “blah, blah, blah.”

And the thing is, I think I do this more than I’d like to admit–downplaying God’s attributes. But why? Well, isn’t it obvious? Continue reading God is Good..Blah, blah, blah…

The Modern Reject on the Radio

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of being on The Drew Marshall Show. Drew Marshall, Canada’s largest spiritual radio talk show. Drew has been called the Howard Stern of Christian radio and for good reason.

Drew is fun and funny, outspoken, engaging, and pretty much the coolest. He is known for interviewing some controversial characters, like the president of the Wiccan church, for instnace. But on this particular day, I was honored and humbled to have him interview me.

We talked about a few of my own more controversial posts and I had so much fun doing it. His banter is quick-witted and refreshing. So, in case you’re interested in listening to the segment, just follow the link, which will land you on January 7th. Just scroll down a bit and you’ll see me.You can then listen away…

If you are so inclined too, there are dozens of other (more interesting I’m sure) interviews you can listen to from Christian celebrities, regular celebrities, and more. I lost a good hour doing the same thing.


Who Should Do More Housework? Men or Women?

Before getting married, I never imagined I would be buried alive in piles of laundry and perpetually cleaning each and every surface of my house. I never daydreamed about scrubbing toilets or washing windows and yet here I am, a regular Cinderella ( I can hear the little mice singing. Blame it on the fact that I have a 5 year old daughter).

Yet, I also never imagined exactly what kind of balance with my husband there would be in terms of house work, either. All of this lack of daydreaming, is because I never really thought of getting married, so I naturally didn’t consider who would take out the trash and who wouldn’t.

But, as anyone who is married knows, inevitably, these chores or duties get doled out. Suddenly, one task becomes someones job, like it or not. Right? And more than that, isn’t is usually women who take on the majority of the housework?

And I don’t pull the “that isn’t fair” card very often, but allow me to right now. Is it fair for women to do more housework? Or should chores be equally distributed among men?

I can’t speak for everyone, but, here’s how it works in my marriage… Continue reading Who Should Do More Housework? Men or Women?

Blogging is for Losers

While having a couple I had never met before, over to our home for dinner the other night, I was somehow secretly hoping that no one would ask me the inevitable question “So, Nicole what do you do?”

To which I usually respond, “Oh me? I fold laundry, wipe butts, cook nutritious meals, all while wearing a big, fat, slap-happy, smile on my face.” The problem, this time ( and most times lately) is that my dear, sweet, proud husband wants to brag on me. What I would be perfectly content letting slip by unsaid, he prefers to exclaim from the rooftops, which usually goes something like this:

“Nicole is a rockstar! She is a blogger. Has an awesome blog called Modern Reject! She speaks too. She was even on the radio!” (and yes, all of those exclamation points are completely apro po)

And while I love, adore, get warm fuzzies knowing my hubster is my biggest fan, on this particular occasion, I wanted to crawl under the table and die in a pile. And it got me thinking why, or rather, what the what? Why do I feel embarrassed and flustered when this whole double life of mine is brought up?

Because blogging is for losers. Or at least that’s what I used to think. Continue reading Blogging is for Losers

The Thing I Hate Most in Marriage

There is so much to love about marriage. If you frequent this blog, (which I hope you do ’cause I think it’s pretty awesome) you have no doubt read some of the mushy-gushy things my husband and I have to say about one another.

I think marriage is bliss. I think more people should be married and, of course, stay married.

On the flip side of that coin, however, there is something I hate in marriage. This particular action makes me visibly agitated and uncomfortable. I also think this thing is one of the most destructive behaviors within marriage.

So, what am I talking about? Continue reading The Thing I Hate Most in Marriage

Your Faith, in One Word

A couple of months ago, I wrote a post called The Twitter Gospel. I asked people, if they had to share the Gospel in 140 characters or less, what they would say. I loved reading the unique, thoughtful, concise, yet powerful responses roll in.

More recently, my husband and I have begun discussing what it would look like if you had to describe your faith in one word. That’s it. No flourishes. No explanation. Just one word.

And then last week, a video called Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus, began to make its way around the Internet, primarily bombarding Facebook and YouTube (Here it is, in case you are one of the 11 million who hasn’t seen it).

The hubster and I took the bait, like so many others, and pressed play on said video. I grumbled a few times. “That’s so not true,” I exclaimed. “I totally disagree.” But, by the end of the video, I shrugged my shoulders and thought, yeah, I get the point he’s trying to make, even if I don’t agree with each and every word.

Then I watched and read, as some bloggers, Facebook friends, and others either passionately agreed or vehemently disagreed with the message of the video. Some thought it was pitch perfect, a well-done representation of the Gospel. Others, thought the films creator Jefferson Bethke, was a little too careless and flippant with his words, substituting soundbites for Truth.

Yet, after considering both sides of the argument regarding this video phenom, I realized that it all comes back to one word. If I had to describe my faith in one simple word, what would it be? If I wasn’t able to present a polished and produced video or a lengthy, articulate speech regarding my faith, what would I really say?

If I could utter but one word to describe my Christian life, walk, faith…what would escape my lips?

Because at the end of the day, it isn’t about religion, or orthodoxy, my theology vs the guy’s down the street. It isn’t about dogma, or traditions, rituals, or denominations. It is about one very simple, yet simultaneously incomprehensible, vast, and complex person: Jesus.

So, if I were left with nothing left to say, but one word…it would be His.

Now for the obvious question. What ONE word would you use to describe your faith? It could be Jesus, or it could be something else….grace, hope, joy, peace, redemption. You name it.

Friday Findings: Submitting, “Honey” and Being a Disciple

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectThis week has dragged on for me. What about you? It seems like Friday should have been here about 3 days ago, but it’s here now. Finally. And I have some cool stuff to share today for Friday Findings.

First up…

Good reads and lots of them. I read so many great articles and blog posts this week. Here are a few that stood out:

Women, Stop Submitting to Men. Yes, the title is catchy and it is also tricky. Think you know what this post is about? Think again. Definitely my favorite read of the week.

I Thought Church was Where We Sat Down, Stood Up, and Sung Songs Together. The collective blog, A Deeper Story, is running a series on what Church really is and…isn’t. I have been so enjoying it. This post is one of my faves, so far.

Everything I Know About God I Learned in My Laundry Pile. Considering my mini-mommy-meltdown earlier this week, this post struck a cord with me. Any mom will relate to this post and smile.

A beautiful song with an even more beautiful family. My husband’s and my dear friends Phillip and Lia LaRue, who make up the group Us and Our Daughters released a video for their new song, “Honey.”  It is filled with gorgeous shots of their family life, two daughters, and their obvious love for one another. It is guaranteed to put you in a wonderful mood and stick in your head.

Me and my apple, so in love. Those of you who follow me on Twitter and are my bff on Facebook, may have seen my new (and first ever) Apple MacBook Pro (P.S. if you’re not following or friending me, what’s up with that?). She’s so purdy. As a result of the new love in my life, I am on the hunt for the coolest Mac covers I can find. I like this one. Dig this one. And lurve this one. Which one do you think I should swing for?

Discipleship rocks. Lastly, my blogging homie Moe, of Beta Christian, recently launched a new blog and site called Discipulus (pronounced disˈki.pu.lus) which is Latin for “disciple.” Moe has a heart for discipleship that rivals my own. I am so geeked out and excited to see where this blog goes. Please stop by and show him some love.

So there you have it, all the lovely, cool, and worthwhile finds from the week. Now it’s your turn. What have you read, listened to, dreamed of, or discovered this week? What stole some of your free time?