Top 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time

If you’ve read Modern Reject even once, you may have noticed that I am no stranger to conflict or controversy. Yes, I tend to write posts that are provocative, scandalous, and taboo. Some people have even accused me of writing this way for controversy’s sake. Thing is, I have never intentionally set out to be controversial. I’m just a girl who likes to write about what’s on my mind…

Sure, I have written something and thought afterward, “Ooh, this one is gonna stir things up,” or “Uh oh. I’m gonna step on some toes with this one.” While some might call this controversial, I call it button-pushing. What I really want is to open up conversation and create a dialogue around issues that are often overlooked or swept under the rug.

Perhaps my favorite description of my so-called controversial nature came from a compliment paid to me by funny man and writer Jon Acuff himself. He called me a “boat-rocker” and I loved it!

So without further ado, here are the 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time (in no particular order), ranging from topics on sex, atheism, faith, and race. I run the gamut, what can I say…

1. The Trouble with my Mouth. This post was really among the first to ruffle some feathers. What started it all? I made a comment about liberals. Want to know what I said? You’ll need to read the post and don’t miss the comments that follow.

2. Is There Really a War on Christmas? This bad boy took me by surprise. I quoted an atheist blog in this post, which alerted said atheist of my post. I was then bombarded with other atheists hopping over to Modern Reject to comment on my post. Needless to say, things got a bit heated. It’s all in the comments.

3. Have Sex…Even When You Don’t Feel Like It. This post is without a doubt the most controversial post I’ve written, in terms of generating traffic and general disagreement. Atheists’ blogs have linked to this post, as well, and compared my suggestions to those of third-world countries that allow the rape of women. Hmmm…I’m pretty sure I’m not condoning rape in any sense of the word. Read it and decide for yourself.

4. Vanishing Men. This post was written in response to some of the mean, snarky, and even offensive comments I’ve received from, surprisingly…men. Men can be quite rude on this here blog and I addressed this issue and asked, “Why?”

5. Top 10 Christians Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again. Well, my readers loved this post. Turns out other readers did not. I have the privilege of having some of my posts published on and this was one of them. The readers over there disagreed with my list and actually attacked me outright. My readers came to my rescue.

Honorable Mentions go to: My Homeschool Nightmare, Christian Women and the “S” Word, and The Very Worst Christians.

Have you personally disagreed with any of these posts? How do you feel about controversy? Do you steer clear or jump in? Should I write more or less controversial posts?

10 thoughts on “Top 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time”

  1. Even though I’m pretty left-of-center, I can’t stand Olberman either. Or Bill Maher. Or Michael Moore. They’re basically liberal versions of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter.

    John Stewart and Steve Colbert are cool, though.

    1. I so agree. I’m conservative in my political views and I think Limbaugh is barely tolerable, Hannity is meh, and Coulter is downright mean and obnoxious.

      All of them, Olberman included, have become caricatures of themselves.

  2. I am new to your blog Nicole – found it when someone else linked to it on facebook and I am a big fan!

    You speak (write!) so much godly common sense and respond to quite aggressive critique with grace, humour, wisdom and kindness (Christlike-ness?!)

    I am working my way through lots of past posts (whilst neglecting my housework!) and liking you more and more!

    1. Anna,
      Thank you so much for the kind words. You blessed me and might be my new best friend!

      I poked around Sneaky Coffee for a bit with my husband last night. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to see more of you around here, as well. Blessings to you!

  3. Hi Nicole…I have only read a few of your posts, but I appreciate that you delve into meaningful discussion that isn’t based on Christianese and platitudes, but the actual heart of the matter! :) I appreciate your desire to “open up conversation and create a dialogue around issues that are often overlooked or swept under the rug.”

    But, here’s the thing about controversy and being controversial: it puts people on the defensive and generates a highly emotional, visceral, and often times irrational response. Most people will respond to a hot button issue with anger, hatred, and woundedness. And, in most cases, people do not move beyond those feelings and emotions to engage the conversation in a rational and reasoned way. Hence, not much is accomplished-very little {if any} thought is provoked.

    Trouble is, most people won’t engage in discussion or think deeply about an issue unless they are emotionally prodded to do so. To me, this is one of the greatest problems in the church today. Often all that comes about from such “discussions” is this:

    “He who gives an answer before he hears,
    It is folly and shame to him.” {Proverbs 18:13}

    Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts?

    1. Keri,
      Thanks for commenting. You have some great thoughts.

      I will say that I agree that, yes, hot button issues certainly have emotion attached to them meaning people will most likely respond emotionally, whether good or bad. However, I also think that the overwhelming public push for political correctness, tolerance, and agreement for agreement’s sake has created an atmosphere of public opinion that is shallow, superficial, and inauthentic.

      People are so afraid these days to say what they mean, for fear of ridicule, attack of the PC police, or judgment, that often times they say nothing. Christians are especially susceptible because we are so often stereotyped and/or misunderstood, that we back down from talking about the issues that really need to be addressed–whether controversial or not.

      I agree with the Proverb you quoted, of course. It is wisdom and does apply to people speaking without thinking. The verse that comes to my mind is 2Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires..”

      People, even Christians, nowadays, want to have their “ears tickled” by the stuff that sounds good, but perhaps is half-truths or politically correct. They trade sound doctrine for mush, so to speak. I like to discuss the sound doctrine, even when it offends, because I’m interested in clarity not agreement.

      What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts further…

  4. Hi Nicole…I think we are speaking to different aspects of the same issue. I would never advocate a watering down of the truth for agreement’s sake. And, I certainly agree with everything you’ve said in your response. I don’t want my ears tickled {it really doesn’t sound fun anyway}.

    What I’m concerned about is that we as believers find a way to honestly and openly dialogue about our beliefs and values in a way that welcomes discussion rather than encite debate and argument. I don’t think there is any usefulness in arguing an issue. It means that each person is just trying to “win” an argument. It’s not about hearing, listening, and understanding-it’s about proving a point. Essentially all that occurs is increased bitterness and a hardening of hearts.

    Being controversial for the sake of ruffling feathers elicits an emotional response, rather than a thoughtful discussion. It takes a lot of skill and wisdom to speak and write in a way that welcomes discussion and not debate, that engenders thoughtful reflection and not angry outbursts. It’s a skill that is severely lacking in the Church, and to me that is a big problem.

    This a great discussion, Nicole. I’ve recognized for a long time that there needs to be more deep thought, more wrestling with my faith. But, there’s really not that many people out there who are willing to take the time and effort to do that. It’s messy, it creates questions, and worst of all, it often leads to hard work and {gasp} change!

    1. I know this response is already forever long, but I also had the thought pop up into my mind: is there any usefulness in “arguing or debating” a topic with someone who is not a believer?

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