10 Ways to Tell if You are a Snob

I’m a snob. I admit it. I dabble in snobbery. I know it’s not always the best course of action and can often lead to awkward social situations and even hurt feelings.

My intentions are never to hurt anyone’s feelings. Truly. I just happen to be particular. I prefer things a certain ways. I have opinions on just about everything, from the clothes people wear (or I wear), to movies, to trends, to politics. I’m a bit of a church snob too, in that, I know what I like and don’t like in  a church, for example.

What some people would call snobbery, I call being opinionated and stating your preferences. And as long as it is done so with an air of humility and with the understanding that you can’t take anything to seriously, I say bring on the snob.

Now you might be asking yourself…”Am I a snob too?” “How would I know?” “What does a snob look like?”


Well here are 10 ways too tell if you too might be a bit of a snob…(go ahead, I know you’re curious) Continue reading 10 Ways to Tell if You are a Snob

15 Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do to Your Single Friends

Today’s post is from Ally Spotts, who has a rockin’ blog where she discusses faith, relationships, and life in general. Her new project is Prodigal Magazine, which she and her husband now run. Check it out, too.

I’ve been single for quite some time now and after all these years I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

Although, of all the things that you want to be “good” at in life, I’m not sure that being single is one of them… It depends on whom you ask, I guess.

Anyway, in all this time I’ve spent being single I’ve learned a thing or two about a thing or two, and one of the things I’ve learned is that married people sometimes say and do the weirdest things to their single friends.

It’s like the minute they visit the alter they instantly forget what it was like to be single…

Don’t get me wrong. I know that my married friends have the best intentions. But since I care, and since I’m bored and lonely and sitting home all alone on a Friday night (just kidding) here is my attempt to point you in the right direction.

Here are 15 Things You Should Never Say/Do To Your Single Friends… Continue reading 15 Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do to Your Single Friends

7 Things God Hates

I was casually flipping through the Bible the other day, looking for something interesting to read (you know, as if the whole Bible isn’t totally interesting).

I found myself in Proverbs, not my favorite book of the Bible, mind you, but I saw the words “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him…”

Wait. Say what? 7 things God hates. It seems that this list had escaped me. Perhaps you already know this list. Perhaps you are more spiritually astute than me.

But let me just say, this is quite the list. I did a little self-inventory against this list and, I’m not gonna lie, it stung a bit. Care to join me?

Here’s what Proverbs actually says: Continue reading 7 Things God Hates

Favorite (New) Things

Newness is all around me. My husband and I are in the midst of house church planting…something neither of us has done before. My husband has also been a full-time entrepreneur for the first time in our marriage this last year.

Oh, and we’re having a baby in 3 months. Babies are pretty new.

I have to say though, I like the newness. I love discovering new things and experiencing new things. I’m not just a creature of habit. So, with all things shiny and new in mind, here are 3 new things I have been loving…my Favorite (New) Things… Continue reading Favorite (New) Things

Happy Birthday: Modern Reject Turns One

Somehow, this same time last year, I was mapping out how I would start a blog. I came up with the name “Modern Reject” while enjoying some coffee-flavored gelato on date night with my hubster.

He thought it was the perfect name. I agreed. Suddenly, something I had been so resistant, too, was becoming something I was daydreaming about doing. I set to work and began writing 10 posts, so as to have a mini-collection of work on my blog come launch day.

I sent emails to all of my friends and family (including my husband’s friends and family) telling them I was about to start a blog. I prayed…a lot. And, on May 17th of 2010, Modern Reject opened its doors. The last year has been amazing, grueling, torturous, and kick-ass.

Here are my highlights from my first year of blogging…read on and celebrate with me. You are, after all, the reason for the party in the first place…. Continue reading Happy Birthday: Modern Reject Turns One

Top 5 Reasons to Skip College

This post is from the archives and it’s really good and you should totally read it.

I attended college, but I’m not quite sure why. In America, many young high school juniors and seniors begin the search early for the perfect college. They fill out their applications, write their essays, attend their interviews, all in the quest for…

For what? A guaranteed salary upon college graduation? A better life? Or a cushier life? Power? Position? Prestige?

After graduating college, I wondered what I had really learned in class anyway? Maybe you’re like me and are wondering if you should skip college? Continue reading Top 5 Reasons to Skip College

Favorite (Riley Saying) Things

I think my kids are two of the funniest people I know. I am constantly surprised by and snorting from their humor.

My daughter, the 4 year-old, has been amazingly funny lately. As this this third baby’s arrival gets closer and closer, I am beginning to appreciate my first two kids even more.

Every day on Twitter, I tweet a “Riley Quote of the Day.” I thought I’d share a list of some of her funniest moments with you. If you haven’t already, you can follow me on Twitter, too, and make sure you can read her hilarity each day. Let the smiling begin… Continue reading Favorite (Riley Saying) Things

Top 10 Christian Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

Some of you may remember the phrases I never want to hear again, like “git ‘er done” and “I’m just sayin’.” This time, I’m picking on Christians (since I am one and all).

I’m just gonna say it–Christians say some stupid things. We think we are being spiritual, Godly, helpful, wise, encouraging, but really we are sticking our big stinky feet in our big open mouth.

There are quite a few phrases within the Church that irk me. I’m guessing you feel the same. Here are the Top 10 Christians phrases I never want to hear again…starting with… Continue reading Top 10 Christian Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

5 Things I Hate about Blogging

Blogging can really suck sometimes and I’m still new at it. There are many times when I think, “What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I could be doing some major online shopping right now.”

Today’s post, for instance, came about because, as I sat on the couch with my husband desperately waiting for inspiration, he suggested I write about what I dislike about blogging.

So, here you go (in case you care)–the top 5 things I hate about blogging: Continue reading 5 Things I Hate about Blogging

The Worst Kinds of Parents

Some of you may have heard about the recent buzz surrounding a new book titled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua, wherein she offers an unnerving and controversial account of raising her children as a Chinese mother.

Regardless of your personal thoughts or knowledge of the book, it certainly has done one thing: start conversations.

The term “tiger mom” is now being used to describe overly-protective, hyper-involved, strict mothers. I have to say that I don’t see too many of these moms on the playground, but I do see a whole slew of other unhealthy types of parents.

It seems that more and more parents these days just don’t know how to parent and, instead, resort to unhealthy and even irresponsible types of parenting. There are 8 patterns of problem parents. Are you one or do you know one? Continue reading The Worst Kinds of Parents