What Does God Think of You?

Some days I wake up feeling sorry for myself, but I shouldn’t…

…because Christ is never sorry for me. He never sighs and shakes His head and thinks, “Man, saving Nicole…what a waste.”

No. He sees me and thinks, “There she is, my beloved. My daughter. How I love her.”

And I don’t know about you, but it can be so easy for me to forget who I am, to wallow in self-pity, to revel in my mediocrity…

But, if I really know who I am, who He says I am, well, that kind of thinking should be impossible. If I stopped to ask myself, “What does God really think of me?” I might be surprised by the answer.

God says I am (and you are)… Continue reading What Does God Think of You?

Friday Findings: Gifts, Babies, and Plastic

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectEver have one of those weeks that somehow manages to feel painfully slow, and yet, way too fast, all at the same time? Well, that was my week. Monday, I started off with the stomach flu, which I was quite certain I was going to die from (or at the very least be transported to the E.R. for severe dehydration). Tuesday and Wednesday I spent recovering and then all of the sudden it was Friday.

Somewhere through the week, however, I had time to read and discover some pretty cool things–a lot, in fact, so let’s not waste any time.

First up…

Gift guides gloriousness. Okay, I don’t know about you, but I love me a good gift guide. I love perusing through gift ideas, making mental note when spying the perfect gift for an individual (and of course, the perfect gift for little old me doesn’t hurt either).

Well, the gift guide, Gifted Magazine, is about as glorious as it gets. It is thousands of lovely, creative, and unique gift ideas for men, women, and children. Need a gift for a burly man or an artistic man? They’ve got you covered. Have a temperamental teen in your life? No worries.

Also check out Design Sponge, who also happens to have ongoing themed gift ideas in the month of December, with everythign from gifts to the photographer to the librarian, to the tech geek. This one, encouraging you to skip the store, and give a sentimental gift is one of my faves.

Authentic is the New Plastic. The title alone is just too darn good. Do you know Ken Barba and his blog? Well, Ken wrote a post this week that blew my socks off and is perhaps one of my favorite reads in a long time. I’m actually a little miffed that I didn’t think to write it first. Why is authentic the new plastic? Go read and find out…

You Can’t Afford a Baby. Have you heard of Suze Orman, the financial adviser? She recently told a couple that they shouldn’t have a baby because they couldn’t afford the $700-1000 worth of expenses. My friend Karen, one of the most inspiring, Godly moms I know (or might ever know) wrote a blog post this week inspired by this advice, in defense of having more children. Karen has five kids herself and she addresses the fact that babies don’t need to be this astronomical cost, but rather a celebration of God’s gifts.

Alright, tell me what you found this week? Read anything worth sharing? Any good gift ideas fall into your lap? Bonus Question: What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

Interview with Jim LePage, Talent Extraordinaire

Today, I have the privilege of interviewing the talented and gifted artist and graphic designer Jim LePage. I first mentioned Jim, here on Modern Reject, last month. I was so impressed by his passion, work, and vision that I wanted to share him with all of you.

If you love God’s word, desire to be inspired, or are a creative mind, then you will enjoy this interview. Keep reading to see some of the coolest, most stylish, Biblical artwork around… Continue reading Interview with Jim LePage, Talent Extraordinaire

The Virgin Revolution

Last year, a girl by the name of Natalie Dylan, decided to auction off her virginity to the highest bidder. She was met with a slew of both support and hatred. Recently in the United Kingdom, a 16-year-old just attempted the same transaction, in order to pay for school.

There used to be a time when being a virgin meant something. There was a time, when a woman’s chaste and pure nature was desirable, not only to men, but to the woman herself. There was also a time when men abstained from sex as well, choosing to wait until their wedding night.

How did we transition from the ideal of sexual purity to a poor girl, obviously broken, selling her body on eBay, giving away what should be cherished and protected for some cash? I want to know though, where have all the virgins gone? And if they are around why aren’t they speaking up? Continue reading The Virgin Revolution

Who’s Your Pastor? (Hint: It’s Not Who You Think It is)

from the archives

The role of pastor is perhaps the most prestigious within the American Church. Most of us have had a pastor at one point or another–the guy who speaks from the pulpit, or runs a particular ministry, or leads a home group.

The gift of pastor is often referred to as an spiritual gift of equipping, listed alongside teachers, apostles, prophets, and evangelists. In Ephesians 4:12 Paul writes, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”

I have always wondered, however, how it is that many pastors are actually confused with teachers and many teachers are confused with pastors.

The word for “pastors”–without delving into the historical evolution of that word–is by Greek definition, poimēn, which literally translates, “shepherd.” They are  to shepherd their flock. They make sure people are enfolded into the flock, growing safely, and protected from the wolves.

Chances are that the person who you think of as your pastor today may not actually be fulfilling the role of pastor in your life. Chances are someone else very well could be. The question is: Who’s your pastor?

Here are some questions to help determine who your pastor might be… Continue reading Who’s Your Pastor? (Hint: It’s Not Who You Think It is)

Top 5 Lies About Christians

I’ve written before about the lies that Christians believe, but what about the lies people wrongly believe about Christians? Are all Christians judgmental jerks, out to convert you at the drop of a hat? Maybe, but not most of the ones I know.

Yet we all know there is a long history of people misunderstanding, and flat out not knowing what Christians are really like. I don’t want to pick a fight, but I do want to set the record straight.

Here are the top 5 lies about Christians, starting with our so-called “lack of intelligence…” Continue reading Top 5 Lies About Christians

What is “Positive Thinking”?

Today’s guest post is from Travis Mamone, a.k.a. The Boy with the Thorn in His Side. He is also the co-host of Something Beautiful podcast, which I had the privilege of being interviewed for recently. Travis is a free lance writer by night. He has a passion to express his heart and struggles. I hope you enjoy today’s post. Psst- I’m also posting over at Travis’ blog today with a letter I wrote to God.

Hey guys, I’m Travis, a.k.a. The Boy with the Thorn in His Side (yes, I like the Smiths).  In keeping with Nicole’s deconstruction of the self-esteem movement, I want to talk about the idea of “positive thinking.” 

Firstly, I need to point out that I am not talking about cognitive therapy.  Cognitive therapy, for those who don’t know, is a method of psychotherapy that teaches you to challenge the negative thoughts that plague your mind and ruin your life.  I’ve been in cognitive therapy for years, and it has helped heal a lot of psychological wounds.  So before anyone raises any objections, when I say “positive thinking,” I am not referring to a legitimate form of psychotherapy.

When I say “positive thinking,” I am referring to The Secret.

No doubt many of you remember The Secret, the big hit self-help book that suckered . . . I mean “inspired” millions of readers.  Continue reading What is “Positive Thinking”?

Are They “The One”?

So many of us are desperately looking for answers when it comes to dating, relationships, and marriage. One of the biggest decisions we will ever face is in choosing our future spouse. Is he/she the right one? How do we know we aren’t making a gargantuan mistake?  And where’s God in all of this? What does He have to say on the subject?

Turns out, not much. I mean, God doesn’t have as much to say as we would like to think. I know this from personal experience. You see, when I started dating my now husband, an old flame of mine re-entered the picture (it’s like they have “she’s moved on” radar). My ex-boyfriend essentially proposed to me. And what did I do, you ask…

Continue reading Are They “The One”?

I’m a Bad Friend…

I’m sure my husband is sick of it. And heck, you might be sick of it, too. And I’m sorry if this theme has become redundant, but this is where I’m at right now. This is what I’m walking through.

You see, I’m a bad friend. For all my complaining and pity-party throwing, it turns out that I’m not all I’m cracked up to be. I mean, sure, I might appear to be a super cool friendly type, but really, I could improve.

I’m a bad friend for lots of reasons… Continue reading I’m a Bad Friend…