There are some things in life that just creep me out and give me the heebie jeebie’s, like clowns. How ’bout you? So no, this is not really my favorite creepy things, so much as the creepy things that creep me out best.
I hope you add your own skin-crawling, freaky, weird, sorta-makes-you-uncomfortable, things to the list. With out further ado, my Favorite (Creepy) Things for Friday: Continue reading Favotite (Creepy) Things
Today is Wednesday, my favorite day of the week because I get to talk with all of you about sex, marriage, men, and women. Woohoo!
Last week, I promised you a fascinating post asking the age old question: Why Do Men Cheat? I have a few theories, but just for fun (before we get into it), here is one answer from one of my all-time favorite movies: Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Men Cheat
I just recently saw this video of Oprah Winfrey discussing her pregnancy at age 14. I had no idea she had ever been pregnant as a young girl. Did you?
I knew she had been sexually abused and promiscuous, which she mentions in the video, but had no clue that her decisions and abuse led her to an unwanted pregnancy.
Can you imagine what a young, scared, 14 year-old black girl in the South, during the 1960s, must have felt? Total fear. Total desperation. She admits, in the clip, a horrific outcome, which was that she actually considered suicide.
I’m not the world’s biggest Oprah fan. I admire her for her charity work and what she has accomplished in a wordly sense, which is unmatched. I do disagree with her in regards to God, faith, and the purpose of life in general, but can you imagine a world with no Oprah?
I am still not used to the word “adult.” I’ll occasionally hear people refer to me as an adult and I’ll think, “Huh? Who are they talking about?”
I guess for some people, it is normal to still think of yourself as a kid. I look over the last 5-10 years of my life, however, and realize that in terms of “growing up,” I’ve done a lot.
But does doing grown up stuff really make you an adult? In today’s culture where children grow up all too fast and take on the pressures of adult life too soon, and “maturity” is a dying word, what actually makes someone an adult?
I grew up in Arizona. I left and traveled to the east coast for college and yet, somehow found my way back to Arizona.
I was married here, had my children here, and most of my family lives here. I have not always loved Arizona. Like many young people growing up, I only saw the bad in this state. I found it boring and dull, uneventful and ordinary.
As an adult however, I have grown to appreciate this state. In light of the recent horrific events in Tucson, Arizona has understandably been in the news. Yet, despite the tragedy that occurred here, there is so much to love about this desert. To honor Arizona, here are my Favorite (Arizona) Things for Friday…
I’m not perfect, far from it and I’m okay with that. I have never been in pursuit of perfection. I have instead always reveled in mediocrity.
Yet, certain things, when I fail to accomplish them, can send me into a guilt and shame spiral. I feel stupid, lazy, or worse condemned. For many of us, there are those few things in our Christian walk that can cause us to feel inadequate, guilty, or less-than.
However, I discovered that there are reasons why I stumble into sin and it’s those reasons that prevent me from finding freedom. But, there is something I can do about it, if I’m willing to play a little game.
It’s Wednesday, which also means it is your favorite topic of the week–He Said/She Said. I wanted to have a brand spankin’ new post for you today, but I am feeling a bit under-the-weather and thus, I opted to sleep when I should have been writing. C’est la vie.
I wanted to throw out a few questions in light of the tragic events in Tucson, Arizona over the weekend.
Much can be learned from the tragedy, including how not to respond, which Rachel Held Evans wrote a succint and thoughtful piece regarding. What I have found almost as alarming as the violence itself is the manner in which people are so quick to lay blame upon the innocent.
Sarah Palin and her “crosshairs” has taken on a whole new meaning. Regardless of a person’s political affiliation, I can say with all certainty that Palin’s “crosshairs” metaphor was neither calling for, nor condoning the murder of six people, including a 9 year-old girl. I find any correlation between the two to be both dangerous and highly irresponsible. Continue reading My Response to the Arizona Shootings
I’ve done it. I’ve committed this sin in hallways, over telephones, even at family functions.
We have all committed this sin, I suspect. We practice this offense against God so often and so causally, I wonder if we even think of it as anything but accepted or normal.
You know what I’m talking about…gossip. The accepted Christian sin. Gossip is so commonplace among believers that we forget to mention it in the list of “real” sins. How, though, do we justify this sin of the tongue and what does God really thinks of it? How has gossip become the sin on everyone’s lips? Continue reading The Sin on Everyone's Lips
Most people love “firsts”. The first time we experience something new. The first time we meet that special someone. Our first kiss. First job. First day of school. First date (okay, well maybe not this one).
The start of the new year is so full of promises and potential firsts…and 2011 is no different. I am imagining the way the year might go. I know it is going to be a year filled with firsts. I recently read this post, from a blog I’m loving, that inspired me to be thinking of “firsts.”
There are things to come in my life (which I will be announcing soon) that will be brand new to me. So, as I look forward to a 2011 filled with newness and never-before-experienced events, here are a few of my Favorite (First) Things. Continue reading Favorite (First) Things