Favorite (Christmas) Things

favorite Christmas Things

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

When you are a kid, nothing quite beats Christmas. For me, Christmas was magical and yet I was always aware of the holiness and importance of the holiday.

Now, with children of my own, Christmas holds so much of the same promise, hope, and excitement. Mountains of toys are alluring, but the birth of Christ is truly worth celebrating.

Here are my Favorite (Christmas) Things for Friday–with a little bit of all things Christmas, like that rolly polly jolly guy, Jingle Bells, and lots of food (you know me… I can’t write about Favorite Things without mentioning food). First up… Continue reading Favorite (Christmas) Things

Do You Hear from God?

Do you hear from God?

Look, I’m no Moses. I have neither seen the burning bush in the wilderness nor climbed down from the mountain after seeing God face-to-face. I have, however, heard God speak–many times, in fact.

I have seen people roll their eyes, or raise their brows when during conversation I say something like,  “and the Lord told me…” I suspect that many Christians have never actually heard the Lord speak. The reason, however, is not that He hasn’t spoken to them–it is that He has spoken and they simply do not know how to hear Him.

So here’s the questions: Do you hear from God? Do you know how He speaks and can you recognize His voice? Continue reading Do You Hear from God?

Favorite (Random) Things

Favorite (Random) Things

Happy Friday! We are only a couple of weeks away from Christmas and I am excited. Next week will be my Favorite (Christmas) Things, but today is random, fun things I have been liking, reading, and enjoying recently.

There is something for everyone, from a little bit of politics (don’t worry, I’ll watch my tongue), to race relations,  food, pornography, geekery, and more. I said it was random, but it is still so good. Here are my Favorite (Random) Things for Friday. Continue reading Favorite (Random) Things

How to Lose a Girl in 10 Days

How to Lose a Girl

Last Wednesday I shared a post for all the ladies out there about what NOT to do in a dating relationship. The basic gist for women was–don’t be a creeper. Guys don’t like stalkers.

Today, however, I’m turning the table and writing for the fellas. Today is How to Lose a Girl in 10 Days. Guys, want to know how to win a girl over on a date? Or how to be successful and pin down a second date? I thought so.

Women are complicated, I admit, but if you avoid these dating no-nos, then you might be more successful in the dating department. Ladies, you weigh in, too, please. Help give the guys direction and pointers. The more advice the merrier. So here is what not to do… Continue reading How to Lose a Girl in 10 Days

Should Christians Be Rich?

Should Christians Be Rich?

The issue of Christians and money gets a lot of people’s pantaloons all in a bunch. We think of  negative stereotypes: Television evangelists trying to swindle widows, prosperity preachers selling you a shinier, prettier Gospel, rich Christians who spend generously… on themselves, that is.

On the flip side, some people think believers are called to a humble, pious, and decidedly broke life. While others see no harm in rollin’ in dough, including driving a fancy car or owning a shamelessly large house. They say you can, of course, still love Jesus and be wealthy.

Alright, so Christians can be rich. I know a few (I covet their shiny SUVs and their expensive looking handbags). But should Christians be rich? Are you already forming your response? People have visceral reactions regarding the topic of money, including anger, guilt, or shame.  Here’s what I think about Christians and money…

Continue reading Should Christians Be Rich?

Biblical Illiteracy

I would venture to say that more Christians have the lyrics to Beyonce’s Single Ladies memorized than they do Bible verses. Okay, joking aside (and not counting John 3:16), how many verses does the average Christian have on permanent recall?

The Bible is still the best-selling book in the United States. Yet, statistics show that there is an epidemic of Biblical illiteracy among believers. Forget memorizing verses. Most Christians can’t even name the books of the Bible, let alone memorize entire passages.

We say we love God’s Word, but how can you love something you don’t actually know? And why are so many Christians illiterate when it comes to scripture? Continue reading Biblical Illiteracy

Favorite (Splurge) Things

Christmas is upon us and I have spent too many hours flipping through catalogs and browsing websites. I always daydream about giving (and receiving. I’m no saint, okay) the most extravagant gifts.

If I could, I would lavish piles of presents upon those I love and those in need. If money were no object and I could play Santa, this is what I would give. Think of it as my ultimate Christmas list. Here are my Favorite (Splurge) Things for Friday… Continue reading Favorite (Splurge) Things

Our 3 Greatest Needs

Your three greatest needs

From the time we are born, each one of us begins to seek out our needs. Some are provided for us by our parents–food, shelter, clothing. Some of our needs are met by our parents themselves, as they protect us, encourage us. Some of our needs are not met by our parents. They may have neglected us, ignored us, or even abused us.

Many people still desperately search to have their needs met after they become adults. They search in all the wrong places–alcohol, sex, money, ministry, affirmation of others–and are left feeling empty.

The Lord, however, knows our three greatest needs. He designed them. He placed them within us. Every single one of us shares these three needs. Continue reading Our 3 Greatest Needs