5 Things I Hate about Blogging

Blogging can really suck sometimes and I’m still new at it. There are many times when I think, “What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I could be doing some major online shopping right now.”

Today’s post, for instance, came about because, as I sat on the couch with my husband desperately waiting for inspiration, he suggested I write about what I dislike about blogging.

So, here you go (in case you care)–the top 5 things I hate about blogging:

1. Writing a post 5 days a week. No one said I had to write 5 days a week…no one except me. For some reason, I unwisely decided when I started blogging that I should write that much.

One of my blogging buddies explained to me that I did it backwards. I should have started writing 2 times a week and worked my way up. But noooo, not me, I decided to kill myself on a daily basis in my need to uphold some self-established mandate. It’s exhausting.

Of course, since I started incubating baby bean, I have written a bit less. I’ve been tired, emotional, brainless. And I’m okay with my recent decline in posts per week and hope you all are, too. It’s only temporary and soon I will return to my back-breaking 5 posts a week because, well, it makes me feel accomplished.

2. Social media. I know pretty much nothing about using social media. In fact, I didn’t even have a Twitter account until I started blogging and, even now, I’m unsure if I’m really doing it right. I even accidentally flagged my first-ever Twitter follower (another post for another time).

I find all of the possible social media avenues a little overwhelming and unnecessary. However, it seems that most bloggers are leveraging things like Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon and, hey, I wanna be one of the cool kids. I have no shame in admitting it.

Yet, each day I stare at my Twitter profile, trying to think of something savvy, smart, Christian-y, and retweetable to say. Instead I tweet stuff like this. Oh well. I’m learning and, until then, I will continue to be a social media nerd (and not in the good way).

3. Constructive criticism. I don’t really like being corrected. I know that this is a pride issue and I will be the first to admit it. A humble person receives criticism well and knows that it will simply make them a better person for others.

I, on the other hand, am not so humble. I get all squirmy and avoid eye contact. I feel like a kid and someone is disciplining me. Rationally, I know that this isn’t true, but it still feels that way.

People mostly critique my grammar. Yes, as in commas, apostrophes, and ellipses. I try to be gracious and receive the advice, because, look, I’m not a professional writer and have much to learn. Other times peopleĀ  tell me that something I’ve written is offensive or hurtful, which brings us to…

4. Ruffling feathers/hurting feelings. I don’t mind ruffling feathers, but I don’t like doing so at the expense of others’ feelings. However, it is bound to happen, whether I intend for it to or not. I apologize in advance for the times when I might inadvertently hurt your feelings. I have a knack for it, apparently.

5. Comparing myself to others. I try not to…I really do. Unfortunately, sometimes I will catch myself envying another blog that I find totally rad and super cool. Their content is killer. Their comments are in the hundreds. Their influence is staggering. Blah blah blah.

Then I remember when I gave my blog over to God. I ask His forgiveness and pray for satisfaction in what He is doing right now, in me, through this blog. I sigh and feel so much better.

Okay, so now you know what I dislike, at times, about blogging. Hopefully, this did not come off as grumbling, so much as explaining. Hopefully, it goes without saying that, despite what I dislike, there is so much more that I love about blogging, especially all of you (cheesy? Oh yes, but true). I love this gig. It’s really a love-hate relationship.

This is my side gig, though. Motherhood is still my day job. Without b*tching and moaning, what do you dislike about your day job or side gig? What would you change? And, if you are a blogger, do you empathize with any points on my list?

post image here

27 thoughts on “5 Things I Hate about Blogging”

  1. I understand your points. I think with blogging, a writer needs to focus on things that are interest to the writer, not to the audience. That is, don’t write for people, but write for yourself/family/friends/God etc.

    Stuff that comes from the heart – that’ll bring readers if that’s what you’re interested int.

    Two rules:
    1.) Don’t sweat the small stuff.
    2.) Everything is small stuff.

    1. Agreed. When I was writing for myself, I became frustrated and unsatisfied.

      Writing for God is completely different and He has blessed my efforts as I write unto Him, as it were.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. You are so much more together than I will ever be. Just thought I’d mention it.

    My day job(s)- well the number one thing I dislike is that when you NEED info from someone to move forward, that SOMEONE(S) is usually unavailable. When I lived in the corporate world, I could send an instant message or walk over to their cubicle or office, but now, I wait. Wait for the call back, text back, email back. I guess I am not a big fan of waiting.

    Hmmmm….that could be a problem.

    1. Hmmm…I wonder who you could be talking about?

      It reminds me of group projects in school. The teacher would announce you’d be working in groups and the kids would all moan, knowing that meant someone would inevitably be waiting on someone else at some point.

      I don’t like waiting either. Funny that God has us do it a lot too though.

  3. Thank you for writing Modern Reject. It makes me think. It makes me see things in a new light. It makes me wrestle (figuratively). It makes me talk to other people. It even, sometimes, makes me write (shudder). I know it costs you a lot and it cost me almost nothing, so I all I can say is thank you.

  4. Just wanted to point out on the issue of envy that I envy your blog! It is awesome, pretty much touches on every issue I struggle with in my faith and if you did not consistently point it out I would have never thought you weren’t a proffessional writer. I think you are too close to your blog to see how really great it is! :^)

    1. Kristin,

      Thank you for that. We are always our harshest critics, I suppose.

      I’m glad you relate to what I write about. So often, I begin typing and think “Is anyone gonna get this?” so that means a lot!

  5. One of the reasons I love your blog so much is your honesty. You’re real about struggles and hardships as much as you are about the good stuff. I love that! You didn’t have to write this post, but you did. I’ve got lots to learn about the world of blogging and I find you to be an excellent example, Nicole :)

    1. Brittany,

      Sheesh, you guys are bringing tears to my eyes.

      I’m a little overwhelmed but, thank you.

      Thank you for considering me an example. That is humbling and well, really, really humbling.

  6. I just started a blog last month. It’s a jumble of my poetry and observations. I’ve messed around with poetry since junior high and have never taken it seriously. I’ve always been afraid it would turn into work. Finally I came to the conclusion that God had put the words in me and I could no longer resist the urge to share. I don’t feel the pressure to pump out words just yet. Still, there’s that fear that it will become oppressive.

    You have a way with words. It’s a gift. I found your blog through SCL. Just a two sentence post drew me in.

    1. Matt,

      I checked out your blog. I love that you have poetry to offer. My husband writes (although not as much now) poetry and I have always found it to be such a beautiful way to express one’s self.

      I’m glad you have taken your talent and used it to glorify God. That’s what it’s all about, nothing more, nothing less.

      Thank you also for the kind words of encouragement. I hope to see more of you around here. Blessings.

      1. Aww you two are so cute :P haha.

        Nicole, I love this blog! I know I’m echoing others when I say I love your honesty, and how you have a knack for writing about things that we all struggle with, time after time.

        I really like the fact that you DON’T have thousands of comments on every blog post… I don’t mean that in a nasty way, I just mean that I really value that you reply to every comment, and I know that you actually read and appreciate the comments. Take Stuff Christians Like – a great blog with some brilliant writing – but I almost never comment on it, because I feel like a tiny fish in a massive ocean, and I feel like my comment won’t matter or be read or make a difference. But here, it feels like a little community, and I know that people will read what I write, and that you read what I write!

        Also, I think you’re pretty good at twitter. I’ve been on twitter for about 18 months now, and I’ve come across a fair few people who are amazing at it, and a fair few who are rubbish at it. I love that you don’t tweet every five seconds, but that your tweets are worth reading when you do tweet. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t always tweet the most incredibly deep, spiritual things. Sometimes we just need a good old laugh, and an amputated barbie is a pretty good way of doing that!

        1. Rachel,

          Thanks SO much for such kind and encouraging words.

          I’m glad you feel like there is a community here. That is my hope and goal.

          I get grumpy and frustrated when time prevents me from responding to every comment.

          Interacting with you guys really is my favorite part of blogging.

          Thanks for being such a vocal, insightful, and awesome part of the Modern Reject community!

  7. Constructive criticism/correction. I get in my routine, I’m competently performing my tasks, but when my boss brings to light a situation where I can improve a bit, it feels like someone’s picking at an open wound. I have a hard time not dwelling on that for a while. It’s that people pleasing bone in my body.

    Side Note: I couldn’t help but laugh when you wrote b*tching. I think it’s funny when people write that instead of bitching… including when I do it. It’s the same intent right? And isn’t it the spirit behind the action that makes it wrong? Just a thought. Maybe a blog post… :)

    Great post. Keep it up.

    1. Glad to know I’m not alone in the constructive criticism department.

      And as for my b*tching comment…I sorta just do that to be funny. It’s my attempt to not cuss, just for those who might take offense at my cussing, even though they of course know that I’m cussing. Make sense? Probably not. I personally don’t have a problem with the occasional obscenity.

      I did write a post about cussing a month or so ago. People left great comments on the topic of Christians cussing, if you’re interested. https://modernreject.com/2010/11/what-the-christians-cussing/

  8. Take it from someone who never gets any comments on his blog: you’ve got TONS! ;)

    Keep up the good work, despite the low moments. For years, my blog lingered in the stratosphere of “who cares” crap about my own life…mostly was for friends and family, and only this past year I started taking it seriously. But anyway:

    I won’t talk about my day job as much, because there isn’t the time or the space, but teaching in general has it’s downsides. The long hours, the planning, the way the community often doesn’t understand what you do or why…but that’s all part of the cake. I guess the biggest complaint I have against it is the hours. I wish I could be around town in the mornings, having coffee at a diner, walking in the cool morning air. I don’t like being tied to a school house all day. So that’s my biggest complaint, I guess.

    In terms of the blog, I guess I don’t have the same problems, because I get far fewer people reading, and therefore none of the other problems/benefits associated with that. Perhaps that’s my complaint, lack of readers, but then again, perhaps it’s just how it should be. :)

    Thanks, and keep it up!


    1. Josh,

      Gosh, I hope I don’t sound like I’m complaining. I so appreciate (and am humbled by) the involvement and community of readers I have.

      It’s always so easy and tempting to compare myself to others, in lots of areas, not just blogging.

      As for work, I get what you are saying about feeling “tied” to a building. I dream of having more freedom to enjoy simple things too.

      As a side not: Not like I’m an expert, by an means, but if you ever wanna talk blog ideas, send me an email!

    1. I read that and oh, how it made me smile. Thank you Karis.

      Question though: Should I be working on getting more ethnic readers or should I pull my own black race card and ask for leniency since I, myself, am not “white”?

      Either could be a win-win.

      1. Nic- Definately play the race card. White people are defenseless against it. If you ever wondered about your demographics of who reads your blog, you can figure out how many white people read it by counting how many comments and emails you get about spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. Although you probably need to back out about 20% of them because one reader in particular probably skews the number.

        Jonathan can’t help himself. You just need to love him through it. ;)

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