Favorite (Guilty Pleasure) Things

Guilty Pleasure

from the archives

It’s Friday and that also means it’s Favorite Things Friday (sorry if you are tired of me reminding you. I’m half reminding myself and also letting any new potential readers, all three of you, know what goes on around here). You would think that I’d be running out of Favorite Things, but no, not me. I apparently love, like, lust, and covet all kinds of crap. That being said, today I am sharing with all of you, my Favorite (Guilty Pleasure) Things.

I’m not sure why I chose this topic for a Favorite Things Friday but perhaps it is because, I am secretly longing to confess these delicious, titillating, and addicting pleasures with all of you, in the hopes that I will… be freed of them? Heck no, nobody wants that. I’m hoping that, by confessing my guilty pleasures, you all will confess your own, thereby making me feel better about myself. Yup, purely selfish motives. Continue reading Favorite (Guilty Pleasure) Things

Favorite (Sleep) Things Friday

Sleep has been alluding me. Blame it on my raging pregnancy hormones, my racing mind, or my enormous over-sized 34 week belly.  I have been a bit cranky and certainly very tired. And what have I done about it? Well, like any normal person, I have continued to stay up way too late and wake up annoyingly early.

I used to sleep like a champ. Dead to the world. No siren, or street noise, no ringing phone or door slamming could wake me. Now however, it’s as if I awaken when a fly lands on a piece of paper three rooms away.

So, as I dream of someday achieving that kind of coma-like sleep again, my Favorite (Sleep) Things Friday will hopefully inspire and encourage beautiful nights followed by even more beautiful days.

Here are my Favorite (Sleep) Things: Continue reading Favorite (Sleep) Things Friday

Favorite (Pregnancy) Things

I have tried to not write too much about the fact that I’m pregnant because, well Modern Reject is not a baby blog. It’s not even a mom blog. But, I  happen to be a mom who is having a third kiddo.

As much as I’ve tried to avoid the “pregnancy posts” this one was inevitable. This post is actually not just Favorite Things, but also least favorite things–of which there are many during these torturous nine months.

I’ll start with the things I love, like shopping for baby clothes. Then I’ll share the things I don’t love, like creepy older women touching my belly without permission. My Favorite (Pregnancy) Things for Friday…. Continue reading Favorite (Pregnancy) Things

Shameless Promotion Saturday

Hello and welcome to Modern Reject. If it is your first or 1000th time here, allow me to say thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you are here. You look fabulous, by the way.

Since it is Saturday, a usually meh day around here seeing as I don’t usually post on Saturdays, I thought I’d spice things up. A dash of pepper. A pinch of humility. Thus, today is Shameless Promotion Saturday–a day for you to pimp yourself and for me to do the same. Continue reading Shameless Promotion Saturday

Favorite (Summer) Things

Well, it is officially summer, which, in most parts of the United States, brings about elation and joy. I, however, reside in a city that happens to be about 20 feet away from the sun–Scottsdale, Arizona.

Yesterday, the city issued a heat advisory warning as we all watched the temperature climb to a scorching 110 degrees. And that ain’t nothin’. We will reach the 120s by July. Reminder: I am pregnant. Actually, I am really pregnant. I’m due at the end of summer. Oh, lucky me.

But, for all of my complaining about the heat, I really do love summer. I have such great memories of my childhood summers in particular. Now, as my kids grow older, I get to watch them experience some of the same adventures.

Here are my Favorite (Summer) Things for Friday, including some good grub, sweat, bodies of water, and tropical cocktails… Continue reading Favorite (Summer) Things

Favorite (Road Trip) Things

I have been in San Diego this week, a mere 6 hour drive from my hometown of Scottsdale. As you are reading this, I will most likely be on the road, headed back home tan and refreshed.

It should therefore go without saying that this Friday’s Favorite Thing is about all about road trips. Oh yes.

I have taken many a road trips in my life, some lasting hours, some lasting weeks and even a month. I’ve learned a lot along the (high)way. Here are my Favorite (Road Trip) Things for Friday… Continue reading Favorite (Road Trip) Things

Prayer Request Friday

It’s that time again. Time for me to ask all of you how I can be praying for you.

No, I’m not being nosy (well maybe just a tad bit nosy). I really like to know how I can pray for each of you, what God is doing, has done, and is yet to do in your lives.

I commit that for every one who leaves a comment sharing a prayer request, I will pray for your need. I love praying for you. It’s one small way for me to show my appreciation for the many ways you all continually bless me.

And if you would be so kind, I will share my prayer needs, and humbly ask you to pray for me, as well.

Here goes:

The obvious one–I’m pregnant. I don’t like it. I mean I’m excited and all, but I’m just not one of those women who is in love with pregnancy. On top of that, I have a 2 and 4 year old pulling on my legs. About a week ago, I started having contractions for no apparent reason.

A few days later, I had some more. I think my body is telling me to just slow down. Plus, I would hate to be placed on bed rest. Nightmare scenario.

Also, my husband and I would covet your prayers for our new house church called The Foundation. God has already done so much, but would you please pray for the right people at the right time. We would also desire prayer for those involved to develop a commitment and passion for the church that is Spirit-led.

So there you have it. A couple of my own prayer requests. Now please, share yours. You can be as detailed or general as you’d like. Heck, comment anonymously if you’d like. I will be spending this week praying for each and every one of you.

My Week in Pictures

You may have noticed that I’ve been M.I.A. over the last week or so. Sure, I’ve been posting some, but not in mu usual fashion. Why, you ask? Don’t know exactly.

I’ve been tired (blame it on the baby in my belly). I’ve been distracted (blame it on the baby in my belly). I’ve been busy doing other things (yeah, you know…)

I’ve been watching my kids play in splash pools. Attempting to sleep in while kids climb into bed with me. Enjoying lazy morning breakfasts as a family. So, in order to catch you all up (in case you care)  on my life as of late, here is my week in pictures:

What have you been up to this week? What is currently keeping you busy? Catch me up too.

Favorite (New) Things

Newness is all around me. My husband and I are in the midst of house church planting…something neither of us has done before. My husband has also been a full-time entrepreneur for the first time in our marriage this last year.

Oh, and we’re having a baby in 3 months. Babies are pretty new.

I have to say though, I like the newness. I love discovering new things and experiencing new things. I’m not just a creature of habit. So, with all things shiny and new in mind, here are 3 new things I have been loving…my Favorite (New) Things… Continue reading Favorite (New) Things

When I Grow Up…

When I grow up I will…

Splurge on: vintage clothing and decor

Understand: quantum physics

Sleep: soundly

Read: the 100 greatest novels and the Wall Street Journal

Own: a Karmann Ghia

Collect: postcards

Eat: full fat everything and chocolate anything

Purchase: medical supplies for third world children

Rent: a villa in Italy every summer

Give: generously and often

Avoid: standing in lines

Destroy: the enemy’s plans

Retain: my childhood memories

Fear: God

Enjoy: my friendships

Laugh: constantly

Resemble: a girl I once knew

Drink: wine and coffee

Grasp: eternity

What will you do when you grow up?

post idea courtesy of Magic Molly