I’m No Movie Star

Today’s post is part of a blog series sponsored by Prodigal Magazine, which seeks to answer the question: What Does it Mean to Live a Good Story? I’m honored to take part and hope that you will visit some of the other talented and gifted bloggers participating, as well.

I suppose I wasn’t very different from most other teenagers I knew. I wasn’t concerned with being good, so much as fitting in, which showed itself in my willingness to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and have sex with my boyfriend. I never felt good about these choices, but they brought me happiness…or rather, acceptance.

Like any 16 year-old, I was consumed with myself. Teenagers are notoriously self-centered and I was no exception. My story was all about me. The story I lived to share, and longed to share, was my own. If my life was a movie (and what 16 year old doesn’t on some level believe their life actually is a movie), I was the star. It was my name I desired to see up in lights.

Forget Angelina, Charlize, Reese. I was the main character of my own film. It was a blockbuster, written by, directed by, and starring me.

I remember how the need for attention would swell up inside of me. I remember how I would position myself, negotiate situations so that I might fall into the limelight. I loved the feeling of walking into a room and people taking notice. Looking back, I’m ashamed to admit that I lived for that kind of adoration.

But, one month shy of my 17th birthday, I met the Man who would begin to tell me an entirely different story. Continue reading I’m No Movie Star

Gold Stars and Performing for God

Today’s guest post is from Malisa Price, a long time reader and member of the Modern Reject community. Malisa has a heart to serve God and also has a blog of her own. I can easily relate to her post today and hope that it leaves you as encouraged and comforted, as it did me.

When Nicole wrote about not liking women’s ministry (gatherings, retreats, teas, etc.), I was doing a happy dance and celebratory hand-waving. I’m sure I looked like a nutty person, but I was so relieved that she felt like me.

I recently, went to a women’s retreat. I have been on retreats before, but this was the first one I have gone to that was paid for out of my own pocket. This time felt different because I had a time and financial investment.

I don’t know what actually possessed me to sign up for the weekend getaway. I like being home with my hubster, eating the meals I make, and sleeping in my nice bed. But, I think it was the quiet voice of Jesus calling me, “Come Malisa, experience more of what I have for you. I want to spend time with you and get to know you better.” Shockingly, I signed up.

In doing so, I allowed myself to be vulnerable. I allowed myself to be a follower rather than the leader. I allowed myself to be out of control and go with the flow. Continue reading Gold Stars and Performing for God

27 Ways God Has Blessed Me

Ever feel like you don’t have much to be thankful for or that thankfulness is not flowing freely from you? Well, I decided to sit down and write out 27 ways God has blessed me (27 just seemed like a nice number).

I figured, for starters, it would shut me up and prevent me from whining or complaining, thinking that God really hasn’t done that much for me. Secondly, I would be forced to remember all that He has done, which is infinitely more than 27 things…and that alone is humbling and challenging.

So here are 27 ways God has blessed me… Continue reading 27 Ways God Has Blessed Me

The Lukewarm Christian

The lukewarm Christian has become an epidemic. It is an often unspoken, but all too present reality in the American Church. The lukewarm Christian is the Sunday Christian, checking into service at 9:00 a.m. and checking out at 10:30 a.m.

They are the believers who serve as little as possible, give as little as possible, and love God as little as possible.

The lukewarm Christian is content where they are and resist anyone challenging or questioning their heart or desire for God.

The Lukewarm Christian is a disgrace to God and His reputation.

I have been the lukewarm Christian. I have quietly resided in the place of apathy, being neither hot nor cold for God.

But when we discover this about ourselves, when we say the words out loud, “I am lukewarm,” what then? It is not enough to acknowledge it and walk away. Christ’s love compels us to have a radical response to this realization. It must…

After watching this video, how do you feel? Convicted? Motivated? Thankful? Moved? If you found yourself saying “I am lukewarm,” what will your response be now?

What God Will Never Ask You…

It’s inevitable–we’re all going to die. There, I said it. And now that I’ve started off this post on a happy note…

Since we know we’re going to die, then it goes without saying, we will assuredly stand before God in that lovely little thing called Judgement.

Now, I’m not heaven-minded. I don’t tend to have what they call an “eternal perspective.” I’m pretty much a today-is-the-day-kind- of-girl. But I know that much of what consumes me, what consumes us ad nauseam, is not what the Lord is consumed with. He is consumed with love. Heck, He is an all consuming fire (Hebrew 12:29).

Yet, when we consider these things, and I mean really consider them, perhaps we would think of Judgement a bit differently. When we are standing before God and we are asked to give an account of our life, what will He ask us? I doubt He will pose many questions regarding the things we find so pressing today.

Now, I’m not entirely sure. I’m just taking a guess here, but I’m pretty sure…

God will not ask you… Continue reading What God Will Never Ask You…

Seeing Isn’t Believing

I feel like I’ve been waiting a lot lately and to be honest, I’m not even sure what I’m waiting for. It just seems that something, anything, besides what’s happening should be happening.

I keep waiting for God to do something miraculous and it’s not like I’m needing a miracle right now. It’s more so that I need less of the mundane, everyday. I need less of me and what I can produce and more of Him and what He is known for.

I want to see something. I guess what I want, if I’m being honest, is a show. I’m sitting here like some ticket holder, parked in my mezzanine seat, waiting for the Jesus Show to begin. I want to see Him do something. I want to believe in something right now.

Problem is, seeing isn’t believing. Continue reading Seeing Isn’t Believing

My Good Days and Bad Days

from the archives

On my good days, I am happy and smiling. On my bad days, I am grumpy, short-tempered, and irritable.

On my good days, I feel content and at peace, thanking God for the life he has given me and the ways in which He has provided. On my bad days, I am restless, bored, and daydreaming of escaping to a place where I can just be alone.

On my good days, I am confident. On my bad days, I feel incompetent.

On my good days, I trust Him, listen to Him, and am honest with Him. On my bad days, I doubt Him, yell at Him, and am honest with Him.

On my good days, I am patient, consistent, and predictable. On my bad days, I am quick-tempered and thoughtless. Continue reading My Good Days and Bad Days

The Power of God

So many of us worship a different God. Oh, it’s still the God of Jacob. The God of Abraham. Yahweh.

Jesus Christ.

But, as my days in salvation go on, I have seen and met so many hopeless Christians. So many people, who are complacent in their faith. Lukewarm. Vacillating.

I have seen so many people who perhaps intellectually know God. They even love God, but they have never once experienced the power of God.

My hearts breaks when I consider this. I feel pangs in my chest when I grasp the fact that so many of my brethren have never, not once, felt His presence, been swept up in His Spirit, had a supernatural experience with the Living God.

Instead they have very different experiences… Continue reading The Power of God

Dear God…

Dear God,

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry that I spend more time on my computer than I do talking to You.

I’m sorry that I come to You so often when I am broken, hurting, and lonely, and not before.

I’m sorry that You get my leftovers when what you deserve is my first fruits.

I’m sorry that I still doubt You even though I know you have never let me down.

I’m sorry I don’t look more like Your Son and instead I look so much like everyone else.

I’m sorry I still sin when I know good and well I have been freed from sin.

I’m sorry that I treat You warmly one minute and act distant the next.

I’m sorry that I don’t tell nearly enough people about You.

I’m sorry that I am often lazy in my faith.

I’m sorry for the times I am lukewarm.

But, I thank you…

Thank You Lord that You still listen to me even when I complain and grumble.

Thank You that when I offer You leftovers You offer me grace and compassion.

Thank You that I could never earn Your love, because I know I would fail, but instead You give it so freely.

Thank You that even when I doubt You, You never doubt me.

Thank You that Your love covers a multitude of sins.

Thank You for finding me, and rescuing me, and being with me always.

Thank You that when I lay my burdens before You, I am reminded that Your burden is easy and Your yoke is light.

Thank You that You are a God who allows me to come to you with each piece of broken me, each bit of tarnished girl, and that You never shame me or guilt me for the choices I’ve made.

Thank you for your Son, who I want to be more like, and who You gave to me, for freedom’s sake.

Thank You that You aren’t finished with me, not even close.

Thank You for bringing me gifts of tremendous blessing even though I am so undeserving.

Thank you that You are a good God.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I love you…



What would you apologize for? What fills your heart with gratitude?

original version of this post appeared on The Boy with the Thorn in His Side and was inspired by Alece Ronzino.

Are You a Saint or a Sinner?

We’ve all heard Christians say it and we’ve most likely said it ourselves: “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.”

We tell unbelievers that we are sinners just like them, only difference is, we’ve met Jesus, accepted His gift of salvation, and been saved.

And let me just say, this is completely false.

That’s right. We are lying when we speak these words. We are not sinners. We are something quite different… Continue reading Are You a Saint or a Sinner?