What it’s Like to be Married to my Husband

A while back, my husband Jonathan, wrote a guest post called “What’s it Like to be Married to Me?” in which he described exactly what being married to me, Nicole, is really like.

Back then I had every intention of surprising Jonathan with a post of my own, telling the world what it’s like being married to him, as well. But, I got busy and I forgot. I dropped the ball and he never received the follow-up post he deserves.

This Saturday, however, happens to be our 6 year anniversary. Hooray! And I thought now would be a great time to tell him (and you, of course) what every day of married life with him feels like.

Grab some tissues. This might get mushy. Being married to my husband is like… Continue reading What it’s Like to be Married to my Husband

I Don’t Trust You…

I have trust issues. I’ll be the first to admit it. I don’t always go around parading my trust issues on a big, grand, tissue-covered float, but they are there nonetheless…just beneath the surface.

I’m pretty good at appearing to be trusting. I nod my head when people say they love me, or care about me, or will pray for me, but somewhere deep inside, in the quiet places no one likes to talk about, I doubt everything you say.

Sure, you love me, Sure, you care about me. Sure, you’ll pray for me…right.

I mean, I want to trust you. I want to believe every single word you say, but it just  ain’t happening. I don’t trust you. Here’s why… Continue reading I Don’t Trust You…

Top 10 Christian Films of All-Time (According to Me)

Last week, I asked the question: Why Do Christian Movies Suck? Many of you responded in both agreement, and in defense, of Christian films. I decided I would add to the discussion and compose a list of the Top 10 Christian Films. Turns out, this list was harder to compile than I originally assumed.

To be fair, this list is based on criteria of what I consider to be a great Christian film. Here they are:

* The film must be Christian in tone, although it does not have to be overtly “Christian.” It can simply imply Christin themes, as long as the message being shared lines up with scripture and/or Jesus Himself.
* The film should be of great production quality, including cinematography, set design, producing, editing., and of course, acting.
* The film should be timeless and enjoyable, both now and for future generations
* The film should be somewhat realistic in the story it is telling, choosing to steer away from Christian stereotypes and cliches.

Without further ado, here are my picks for the Top 10 Christian Films of All-Time (In no particular order…well sorta). Continue reading Top 10 Christian Films of All-Time (According to Me)

In Hot Pursuit: Should Men or Women Pursue?

Women have long held the idea that men are suppose to pursue them. There used to be a time when girls were forbidden–or at the very least, discouraged–from calling a man, let alone asking one out.

Times have changed, however, and many women now feel that it is perfectly acceptable for women to ask out (or *ahem* even chase down) the opposite sex.

But do these same standards apply to Christians? Is it kosher for a single Christian woman to pursue a man or should men always be the pursuer?

For starters, let’s look at God. He is the ultimate pursuer. He comes after us, romances us, and wins us with His love. Likewise, each and every follower of Christ should be in full pursuit of Him first and foremost before they ever worry about pursuing the opposite sex. Okay, now that we got that out of the way…
Continue reading In Hot Pursuit: Should Men or Women Pursue?

The Twitter Gospel

In our high-tech, digital, on-line worlds we have begun to abbreviate everything. Our relationships are virtual. Our messages are edited. Our off line life rivals our on-line persona.

The generations coming up are completely enveloped in their on-line and technologically created worlds. A text message is the new 5-page letter. A “like” is the new customer review. A tweet is the new word of mouth endorsement.

And where does the Gospel fit into all of this? Have we begun to shorten the message of the risen King in order to cram it into 140 characters? Do we need to? Continue reading The Twitter Gospel

Why are Christian Movies so Bad?

My husband is a movie junkie and a film geek. By osmosis, I too ,have become somewhat of a movie nerd (although not quite a geek…yet). Jonathan and I often sit and discuss the films we love. We talk cinematography, direction, screenplay, and of course, acting.

We see all kinds of movies, from comedies, to dramas, independent films, to cult classics. But one type of film we avoid at all costs is the dreaded Christian film. [twilight zone music here…followed by a woman’s scream]

Lets face it, Christian movies suck. Continue reading Why are Christian Movies so Bad?

Goodbye Steve…

I’m not the world’s biggest Apple fan. I mean, I love their products, but I’m no geek about them. I had never really known much about Steve Jobs either, beyond the basic information about him.

Yet, on Wednesday when my husband came home and asked me if I had heard the news, I was struck with deep sadness for him and his family. I was quiet for a few moments and then I said to my husband, “All that influence, all that money, and none of it matters. If we don’t know Christ, none of it matters.”

I’m not sure what Steve Job’s relationship with God was like, but I pray he had one…

Someone commented on the radio, that Steve Jobs was not a Churchill or some other great political figure. He was, however, a Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Edison. He was and will remain the great inventor of our day–a brilliant mind that challenged life as we know it.

It will probably generations from now before his brilliance, vision, and ingenuity is matched…if ever. Thanks Steve. We will miss you…

Care to share your own response to the news? Are you an Apple geek? If so, why? Share your favorite Apple product and Pixar movie!

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7 Things the Church Should Change

Today’s guest post is from Antwuan Malone, a truth-speaking, word-slinging writer and blogger. Antwuan has appeared on Modern Reject before (and rocked it, I might add) and I am excited to have him back. I hope you enjoy this post as much as me.

I received a rant from a fellow writer and friend of mine, about some of the more frustrating things going on in the church community. It was so great a list, it inspired me to create my own. So here it is. At the end, I hope you comment with some of your own suggestions too.

I don’t want this post to become a mindless bashing of Church culture. That’s not the point at all. The things on the list are things we feel stand in the way of true Christian community as God intends.  In essence, it’s an iron sharpens iron kind of thing, not a “let’s look at all the things wrong and make fun of them” thing. In fact, you should be on the lookout for the next Seven Things post, “Things I Hope Never Change About the Church.” coming very soon (you can comment on that as well if you’d like to get a jump start.)

Disclaimer aside, let us begin!


My Own List of 7 Things the Church Should Change! Here we go… Continue reading 7 Things the Church Should Change

Christian Dating: Dos and Dont's

Recently, a few girls I know in their twenties, wanted to talk with me about “being single.” They asked me an array of questions like, “Why do I need to be single? How can I be content while being single? How do I let a guy pursue me?” and so on.

This post could go into a million different directions. The topic of “singledom” is always a hot one, especially in Christian circles. I’d like to hone in on one particular facet of the single Christian life (and save the other stuff for the next two Wednesdays): Dating.

To those who are married, “dating” sounds almost like a four letter word. My skin kinda crawls and I think, “Man, I’m so glad that’s over.” Terrible, right? I mean, I don’t know many Christians who actually enjoy dating. They are so focused on “finding the right one” and “hearing from God” and looking out for “lightning in the sky” that they suck all the fun out of it.

Dating should be fun. Why is it that so many single Christians turn dating into some kind of checklist and interviewing process? Ladies are the worst with the checklist. Here’s a tip girls: if you have a checklist, look it over, count up all those necessary character traits, then crumple it up and chuck it in the trash bin—‘cause that’s where it belongs.

God doesn’t care about your list… Continue reading Christian Dating: Dos and Dont's

Top 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time

If you’ve read Modern Reject even once, you may have noticed that I am no stranger to conflict or controversy. Yes, I tend to write posts that are provocative, scandalous, and taboo. Some people have even accused me of writing this way for controversy’s sake. Thing is, I have never intentionally set out to be controversial. I’m just a girl who likes to write about what’s on my mind…

Sure, I have written something and thought afterward, “Ooh, this one is gonna stir things up,” or “Uh oh. I’m gonna step on some toes with this one.” While some might call this controversial, I call it button-pushing. What I really want is to open up conversation and create a dialogue around issues that are often overlooked or swept under the rug.

Perhaps my favorite description of my so-called controversial nature came from a compliment paid to me by funny man and writer Jon Acuff himself. He called me a “boat-rocker” and I loved it!

So without further ado, here are the 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time (in no particular order), ranging from topics on sex, atheism, faith, and race. I run the gamut, what can I say… Continue reading Top 5 Most Controversial Modern Reject Posts of All-Time