Friday Findings: Fortune Cookies, Drowning, and Too Close to God

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectHoly wow, there is just too much to share on today’s Friday Findings…so let’s dig in…

Stop taking pictures of your kids. I mean it. Stop.

Yet another reason I want an iPad.

What to do when you don’t know what to do: “Prophetic insight is not a gift, I think this morning, prophetic insight is a bear and a burden.”

Wait, so I’m not crazy? None of the female persuasion is crazy? Say whaaat??!!

The Gospel in a fortune cookie? Or not. Brilliance all around.

This was so me in college. All of me. Still a little bit of me, but I’m getting better.

Ever feel like you’re drowning? I have. I’m That Girl Who’s Drowning

Pure fodder and an admitted guilty pleasure read, but yes, as we suspected, Tom Cruise is off his flippin’ rocker….. 

Guaranteed to make you cry and cheer. A beautiful post from my friend Tracy Steel, about losing her mother but knowing she will see her again.

This man actually witnessed Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. You read that right. It’s a video from 1956 and it’s pretty remarkable.

Is it possible to get too close to God? Sarah did and I loved reading about it.

My Favorite Read of the Week: If you’ve ever felt like God owed you, if you’ve ever felt disappointed, if you’ve ever felt hopeless, left waiting, uncertain–read this.

P.S. I’m over at Matt Appling’s blog, The Church of No People, today talking about being a feminist and then former feminist wife. Here’s a taste:

What’s more, I could have never predicted that I would be willingly joining a group of people who are often quoted as saying all kinds of absurd things like “Wives have a responsibility to always look hot for their husbands,” or “Women are required to give their husbands sex whenever they want it.”

No. This couldn’t possibly be. No one who loves Jesus could actually make such claims with a straight face. It wasn’t possible. And yet…these ideas are prevalent within the church.

Slowly, however, as God does what it is that He does so well–pull us from where we’ve been and where comfort resides only to drop us smack in the middle of the opposite.

To keep reading, come on over. Hope to see you there. 

What did you read this week that you’re just dying to share? I know you’ve got something. Let’s hear it!

Friday Findings: Religious Lies, Staying Saved, and Nuclear War

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectHoly wow, what a week. So far, this week is shaping up to be the biggest week on Modern Reject ever, in terms of traffic. There are a few lovely surprises that contributed to this fact.

For starters, I was honored to be included on Church Relevance’s Top 200 Church Blogs list for the second year in a row. I even moved up 7 spots. Yeah baby! I owe you, my readers, a huge virtual hug and kiss. Thank you for being a part of this community and for being a constant encouragement.

Then, the amazing servant of Christ who I am admittedly a little bit of a fan-geek about, Frank Viola, included me  on his Top 10 favorite  Christian Female Bloggers list. I tweeted in response that I can now retire…and it’s true. It’s all downhill from here.

But, beyond both of those honors, this weeks posts on Modern Reject created some of my favorite discussions in quite a while. If you missed Monday and Tuesday’s posts on prophecy, please consider reading them. If you’ve ever had questions about prophecy these posts are for you…and don’t skip reading the comments too.

Finally, I wrote a guest post over at the ever-talented and culturally astute Jr. Forasteros’ blog yesterday. I think it might be one of my favorite posts of all-time and it’s about sex. Please, go show some comment love if you haven’t already.

Phew. Now that we got all of that out of the way, let’s get to those fabulous Friday Finding links… Continue reading Friday Findings: Religious Lies, Staying Saved, and Nuclear War

Friday Findings: Anxiety, Fallacies, and Rule Breakers

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectOkay, so you may have noticed that last Friday there were no Friday Findings to speak of…sorry about that. But, today, I’m here to make up for that fact with an extra awesome and extra long list of gems and goodies.

So much to see, so little time…

Wake Up for Your Kids. No post has convicted me as much as this post, in quite some time. I have been hearing the Lord gently directing me in this and then I stumbled upon this post. It was confirmation of the changes I need to make at home.

Logical Fallacies. If you are a theological, analytical, or heck, argumentative type, you’ll probably find this site hilarious. It helps you call people out on the most common logical fallacies. Genius. Not so grace-filled, but genius nonetheless.

Us and Our Anxiety. A well-stated and interesting read from the Huffington Post asking whether or not anxiety is simply a natural human emotion that we have begun to pathologize, due to our cultures obsession with “treatment.”

Oh, Dave. Save It. Are you a Dave Ramsey fan? I sure am. I took a Financial Freedom class in college and have never thought about money the same way since. This post, however, challenges much of Ramsey’s teachings and does so in a loving, truth-filled, and honoring way. A good read.

10 Steps to Sanctification. The Barna Group, A.K.A. the Christian research top-dogs, is soon-to-be-coming out with a book that suggests that each of us can trace our spiritual journey in 10 steps. Sound hokey? I’m not sure either, but I’m intrigued.

Mary, the Bondservant. Do you ever think about Mary? I do and quite often, in fact. I imagine the angel standing before her explaining that nothing, including the world, would ever be the same. Well, Rebecca at her blog The Upside Down World, wrote a lovely and compelling post about the mother of Jesus. One of my personal favorites this week.

Rule Breakers Unite. I’ve mentioned Alice Bradley here before. She is, without a doubt, one of my favorite blogger/writers/funny ladies. Calling her hilarious is an understatement and writing funny–consistently funny–is so hard to do, but, posts like this continue to make me laugh out loud.

Love me some Frank. If you’ve been around this blog more than once, you probably know that I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Frank Viola. So, it is easy for me to recommend anything he has written…and of all his 13 books, each one is priceless. That being said, his new book, Beyond Evangelical, is now available (I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy). Another of his books, Revive Us Again (one of my favorites) is also available for a discounted price. BONUS: It is a signed copy from Frank himself. Score.

Alright my friends, lay it on me…What caught your eye this week? What did you read that you just have to share? What did you read that made your skin crawl? What else is going on? Anything?

Spiritual Gifts: The Good Stuff

As promised (’cause I like to keep my promises, especially promises regarding Baskin Robbins that I make to myself), today is the follow-up post to yesterday’s post, Spiritual Gifts: Who Needs ‘Em?. Turns out, most of you believe in spiritual gifts after all. Cool. You even believe in the taboo, swept-under-the-rug, crazy, “charismatic” gifts like prophecy. Doubly cool.

With that in mind, I thought today I’d just share a little bit about how to actually discover your own gift, if you are so inclined, which you should be ’cause knowing your gift is crucial and will have tremendous impact on your identity in Christ.

So, let’s get to it…

Continue reading Spiritual Gifts: The Good Stuff

Spiritual Gifts: Who Needs ‘Em?

This post is from the archives. However, members of my church family and I have been discussing spiritual gifts as of late. I forget how important and powerful the realization of your gifting truly is. With that in mind, I thought I would re-run this spiritual gift series.

I am also guest posting today over at Bianca Juarez’s blog, In the Name of Love. Bianca is a dynamo for Jesus, a powerful teacher, and worker in God’s Kingdom. I’m honored to appear on her blog today. Go show some love and check it out!

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Pet. 4:10)

I remember the day, the exact moment, that I discovered my spiritual gift. It was as if someone placed prescription glasses upon my face and what once was fuzzy became clear.
I suddenly understood why the actions of others made me want to scream with frustration. And still, why particular moments brought me such satisfaction and joy.

Since then, alongside my husband, I have been committed to helping other people see more clearly by plopping a pair of big thick spiritual gift glasses on their face. Continue reading Spiritual Gifts: Who Needs ‘Em?

Friday Findings: Ann Voskamp, Pentecost, and Porn.

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectHappy Friday Rejects. How are you? Well, I hope. As for me, I’m pretty darn sick, which also means I haven’t been my usual blogging self. Hopefully, by next week I’ll be feeling better and ready to take on the world (which just means write some actual blog posts). In the meantime…

Here’s what I managed to read and discover this week though between hot cups of tea and honey and much needed naps:

The Importance of Being Earnest and Ann Voskamp. I’ll admit that I’m not the world’s biggest Ann Voskamp fan. I love what she writes, I just don’t prefer how she writes it, but her prose is what so many people really love about her. All that aside, this post challenged me to rethink the way I perceive her and not just her, but any bloggers, writers, or individuals who are different from me, as a whole.

Love People, Not Projects. A short, but power-packed post from none other than Jamie the Very Worst Missionary (who, by the way, I want to be like when I grow up).

Oh, Hello Friend. I discovered this little gem of a blog last week and am addicted. It’s not a “Christian blog,” but it is a total chick blog filled with lovely things for you and your home, that happens to be written by a Christian. Cool.

Praying for Pentecost. I really enjoyed this post from the always brilliant and challenging Q Blog. Here’s a taste: “For our own pentecost, we need then to pray for the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of depth, the spirit of courage, and (given the over-sophistication of so much of today’s entertainment) the spirit of chastity.” So good and there’s much to chew on.

Quiet Anthem. This is the blog of Renee Ronika Klug, who I “know” through friends here in Phoenix. She is a wonderful writer (and I’m not just saying that). She is quite talented and has a remarkable way of weaving beautiful prose into stories of grace and hope. I think you’ll be happy to have found her. And how great is the name of her blog…Quiet Anthem?

Biblical Balance? This is a post that discusses what it means to be Biblically balanced…an interesting read, to say the least.

Porn as a Marital Aid? A simple and practical post from the genius of XXX Church on how to renew sexual excitement in your marriage….especially post porn.

So what made your must-read or must-share list this week? Please share some great stuff with me and the other rejects. I need some good reads while I’m laid up in bed with tissues and a humidifier!

Your Husband is NOT a Pervert: Part 1

Your Husband is Not a Pervert

from the archives

It goes without saying that men are visual creatures. We know that “sex sells,” and one of the main reasons for that is because men are visual. It is not women who are usually buying sex, so to speak.

But if a woman could spend a day inside a man’s mind, would she be disgusted and horrified to find out just how much he actually thinks of sex? Would a wife, for instance, end up thinking her husband is a pervert? Probably. That’s how much the male mind focuses on sex.

The truth is, though: your husband is NOT a pervert. He is a man and, like every other man, his sexuality is quite simple to understand. Continue reading Your Husband is NOT a Pervert: Part 1

I’m No Movie Star

Today’s post is part of a blog series sponsored by Prodigal Magazine, which seeks to answer the question: What Does it Mean to Live a Good Story? I’m honored to take part and hope that you will visit some of the other talented and gifted bloggers participating, as well.

I suppose I wasn’t very different from most other teenagers I knew. I wasn’t concerned with being good, so much as fitting in, which showed itself in my willingness to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and have sex with my boyfriend. I never felt good about these choices, but they brought me happiness…or rather, acceptance.

Like any 16 year-old, I was consumed with myself. Teenagers are notoriously self-centered and I was no exception. My story was all about me. The story I lived to share, and longed to share, was my own. If my life was a movie (and what 16 year old doesn’t on some level believe their life actually is a movie), I was the star. It was my name I desired to see up in lights.

Forget Angelina, Charlize, Reese. I was the main character of my own film. It was a blockbuster, written by, directed by, and starring me.

I remember how the need for attention would swell up inside of me. I remember how I would position myself, negotiate situations so that I might fall into the limelight. I loved the feeling of walking into a room and people taking notice. Looking back, I’m ashamed to admit that I lived for that kind of adoration.

But, one month shy of my 17th birthday, I met the Man who would begin to tell me an entirely different story. Continue reading I’m No Movie Star

“I’m a Reject” Because…

People ask me all of the time why I named this blog Modern Reject. I have to say, I love the name. It was inspired. It captures me so perfectly and the things I like to write about. But more and more, I have come to realize that it represents many of you, as well.

Lately, I’ve had the idea rolling around in my head to start a “I’m a Reject” series written by all of you. I mean, I love that you show up and read what I have to say, but wouldn’t it be nice to hear from someone else for a change too?

So what is a reject? Well the dictionary says this:

A reject is someone who is dismissed as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one’s taste. A person or thing dismissed as failing to meet standards or satisfy tastes.

I also always think of Christ stating in Matthew, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” And isn’t that always the way it seems to go? That which the world finds useless, unlovely, imperfect, Jesus redeems and makes perfect.

So, I am asking for you to share your stories of what being a reject looks like for you. Do you reject the norms of American church life? Are you a rebel in your family, among your peers, workplace, or community? Have you been rejected for following after Christ?

Why are you a reject? But don’t just answer here. If you are so inclined, I am taking submissions to this question and will be choosing a few (I haven’t decided on a number yet) to publish here on Modern Reject.

The guidelines for submission:

Tell the story of why you are a reject.

Make it 300-500 words.

Have fun.

Tell me a little bit about yourself too.

Email me your stories by February 25th

But don’t think you have to send in a submission to answer the question. I want to hear from you right now, too.  So let’s hear it. Are you a reject? If so, finish this sentence: “I’m a reject because….”