This Friday, I find myself sick to my stomach on Halloween candy–candy that I have stealthily stolen from my children’s stash, mind you. A person can only eat so many mini Twix before things start to fall apart.
But here’s the good news: It is November, which means it finally feels like fall here in Arizona. Now, I’m not one of those people who get all kooky and start pulling out the Chirstmas decorations on November 1st (please forgive me for calling you kooky if you are one of those folks), but I do find myself feeling extra excited for this holiday season. What about you?
Well, one thing that got me smiling is this list of 20 Awesome Geek Gifts. Are you a geek, like me, or do you know a geek? Would they love a gift decked out in <html>, comic book heroes, or Pac man? Then this list is for you. So fun.
Now, I know I’m jumping the gun since we are still months from January and all of those resolutions we like to make and then not keep. But have you ever dreamed of living a life free of worry, limitations, and restrictions? Have you ever dreamed of quitting a job and traveling? Or having your dream job that allows you to wake up and enjoy each and every day? Yes? Okay, then you should check out my friend Breanna Chanson’s new blog Rare Existence: The Art of Extraordinary Living. (How great is that name by the way…)
Breanna is a talented photographer, alongside her equally talented husband, and they are (without sounding totally cheesy) living the dream. They are free. She is now writing to help guide and encourage others to do the same. It is good stuff.
Lastly, how much of a difference do Christian bloggers make? Have Christian blogs influenced you or helped you in any way? Has this blog done that? Well, my blogging homie Moe, of Beta Christian, is asking just that in his post The Christian Blogger’s Influence. He offers some great encouragement and reasons why people should blog for Jesus, so to speak.
Alright, what has caught your eye this week? Got anything new and exciting to share with me? Read anything thought-provoking, challenging, or weird this week?