It’s that time again. Time for me to ask all of you how I can be praying for you.
No, I’m not being nosy (well maybe just a tad bit nosy). I really like to know how I can pray for each of you, what God is doing, has done, and is yet to do in your lives.
I commit that for every one who leaves a comment sharing a prayer request, I will pray for your need. I love praying for you. It’s one small way for me to show my appreciation for the many ways you all continually bless me.
And if you would be so kind, I will share my prayer needs, and humbly ask you to pray for me, as well.
Here goes:
The obvious one–I’m pregnant. I don’t like it. I mean I’m excited and all, but I’m just not one of those women who is in love with pregnancy. On top of that, I have a 2 and 4 year old pulling on my legs. About a week ago, I started having contractions for no apparent reason.
A few days later, I had some more. I think my body is telling me to just slow down. Plus, I would hate to be placed on bed rest. Nightmare scenario.
Also, my husband and I would covet your prayers for our new house church called The Foundation. God has already done so much, but would you please pray for the right people at the right time. We would also desire prayer for those involved to develop a commitment and passion for the church that is Spirit-led.
So there you have it. A couple of my own prayer requests. Now please, share yours. You can be as detailed or general as you’d like. Heck, comment anonymously if you’d like. I will be spending this week praying for each and every one of you.