Favorite (Road Trip) Things

I have been in San Diego this week, a mere 6 hour drive from my hometown of Scottsdale. As you are reading this, I will most likely be on the road, headed back home tan and refreshed.

It should therefore go without saying that this Friday’s Favorite Thing is about all about road trips. Oh yes.

I have taken many a road trips in my life, some lasting hours, some lasting weeks and even a month. I’ve learned a lot along the (high)way. Here are my Favorite (Road Trip) Things for Friday… Continue reading Favorite (Road Trip) Things

Married, Christian and Sexy

Today’s post is from Antwuan Malone and is the second part in our “Christian and sexy” series. Last week we discussed singles. Today we are talking about married people. To read my thoughts on whether or not Christians be married and sexy, head over to Antwuan’s blog.

It’s funny hearing married people talk about what’s sexy.

At a marriage conference several years ago, someone performed a skit about how sexy it is to see a man, of all things, vacuuming a floor. Yes, vacuuming the floor. Seriously. I mean, the guy in the skit grabbed that vacuum, and the ladies in the crowd went bananas. You’d think it was Bradley Cooper or Johnny Depp or <insert your fave Hollywood hunk here>.

Vacuuming? Really?

Funny because when those aforementioned hunks of Hollywood show up on screen, they don’t seem to need a vacuum, or a dust mop, or a “kiss the cook” apron for the ladies to swoon. I’m just saying. I could go on about that but there’s a word limit to adhere to and question to answer.

The question: Is it okay to be married, Christian, and sexy? Continue reading Married, Christian and Sexy

7 Things God Hates

I was casually flipping through the Bible the other day, looking for something interesting to read (you know, as if the whole Bible isn’t totally interesting).

I found myself in Proverbs, not my favorite book of the Bible, mind you, but I saw the words “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him…”

Wait. Say what? 7 things God hates. It seems that this list had escaped me. Perhaps you already know this list. Perhaps you are more spiritually astute than me.

But let me just say, this is quite the list. I did a little self-inventory against this list and, I’m not gonna lie, it stung a bit. Care to join me?

Here’s what Proverbs actually says: Continue reading 7 Things God Hates

Prayer Request Friday

It’s that time again. Time for me to ask all of you how I can be praying for you.

No, I’m not being nosy (well maybe just a tad bit nosy). I really like to know how I can pray for each of you, what God is doing, has done, and is yet to do in your lives.

I commit that for every one who leaves a comment sharing a prayer request, I will pray for your need. I love praying for you. It’s one small way for me to show my appreciation for the many ways you all continually bless me.

And if you would be so kind, I will share my prayer needs, and humbly ask you to pray for me, as well.

Here goes:

The obvious one–I’m pregnant. I don’t like it. I mean I’m excited and all, but I’m just not one of those women who is in love with pregnancy. On top of that, I have a 2 and 4 year old pulling on my legs. About a week ago, I started having contractions for no apparent reason.

A few days later, I had some more. I think my body is telling me to just slow down. Plus, I would hate to be placed on bed rest. Nightmare scenario.

Also, my husband and I would covet your prayers for our new house church called The Foundation. God has already done so much, but would you please pray for the right people at the right time. We would also desire prayer for those involved to develop a commitment and passion for the church that is Spirit-led.

So there you have it. A couple of my own prayer requests. Now please, share yours. You can be as detailed or general as you’d like. Heck, comment anonymously if you’d like. I will be spending this week praying for each and every one of you.

Is It Okay To Be Christian, Single… and Sexy?

This guest post by Antwuan Malone is asking the question: Can you be Christian, single and sexy? Likewise, I tackle this “sexy” question over at his blog. Head  on over to read my perspective, as well.

I wonder how Jesus feels about the way we dress today? Back in the day, Jesus probably rocked some sandals. What would he wear today? Jeans and a Tee? Khakis and a polo? A suit? Leather pants?

Would Jesus go swimming? And if so, would he finish P90x first, or do some pushups to, you know, make sure his pecs had a little “pop?”

Did Jesus ever have a crush? Ever care about being attractive, about being sexy?

I know. We can’t answer those questions. And frankly, it feels a wee unfair to even ask. Scripture doesn’t show Jesus concerned with girlfriends or attracting women, ever. I guess a wife and kid wasn’t in the plans for him (and for good reason).

But if that’s the case, what can Jesus teach us about attracting the opposite sex? How would Jesus respond to the question of whether it’s okay for single Christians to be sexy? Continue reading Is It Okay To Be Christian, Single… and Sexy?

Vanishing Men

This last week, two posts of mine–Christian Women and the S-Word and Have Sex Even When You Don’t Feel Like It--produced some rather angry, snarky, and downright rude comments. All of these comments, surprisingly, were from men.

Huh, go figure. It wasn’t women telling me that I am sexist, perverse, or sending women back into the dark ages. It was a bunch of dudes.

One person left perhaps the most hateful comments I have ever received on Modern Reject: Continue reading Vanishing Men

My Week in Pictures

You may have noticed that I’ve been M.I.A. over the last week or so. Sure, I’ve been posting some, but not in mu usual fashion. Why, you ask? Don’t know exactly.

I’ve been tired (blame it on the baby in my belly). I’ve been distracted (blame it on the baby in my belly). I’ve been busy doing other things (yeah, you know…)

I’ve been watching my kids play in splash pools. Attempting to sleep in while kids climb into bed with me. Enjoying lazy morning breakfasts as a family. So, in order to catch you all up (in case you care)  on my life as of late, here is my week in pictures:

What have you been up to this week? What is currently keeping you busy? Catch me up too.

15 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Happy Wednesday and happy He Said/She Said day. In the past, i have written quite a bit about sex. I guess I’ve got sex on the brain, what can I say. I’ve covered topics like male sexuality and the controversial issue of having sex even when you don’t feel like it.

Today, I thought I’d devote a post to sex yet again. This time I’m sharing ways to improve your sex life. I am, of course, working under the assumption that the two people doing the horizontal mambo are married…’cause that’s how I roll.

Here are 15 ways to improve your sex life: Continue reading 15 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

A Hospital Visit and the Result…

I spent much of yesterday laying in a hospital bed. I started having contractions, which I shouldn’t be having at 25 weeks of pregnancy.

I was never really nervous. I felt peace and knew God would allow everything to be okay…and He did. I did leave the hospital though, feeling ever grateful for the little things in life that we often take for granted:

A spouse who cares for us and serves us. A child who looks at us like we are the coolest thing that ever happened.  A friend’s self-sacrificing act. An unborn child protected by God. A life given in sacrifice.

I find it to be no coincidence either, that as I am feeling overwhelmed with all we have to be thankful for, it also happens to be Memorial Day weekend.

I’ve never understood how mega-retailers and small town shops alike, equate deep discounts and “slashing prices” on refrigerators with honoring those who have given their life in sacrifice. Maybe it’s just me..

Regardless, I am thankful for those who have fallen in the pursuit of freedom and service. I am grateful for the sacrifice made by so many families–sacrifices, that I admit, I am perhaps too selfish to make.

This Memorial Day weekend what are you thankful for? What little thing that often slips your attention is actually worthy of praise? Do you have any fallen soldiers or even veteran’s who you would like to honor? Please do so in the comments.

P.S. I was asked by the too-cool David N. Miles to be a part of his Feature Friday, where he highlights a particular blogger. Woo hoo! Please check it out and leave some comment love.

image props

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself…

Remember back in middle school when you would play stupid games with your friends and list list out three things you would change about yourself? You also had to list your three favorite physical features.

That’s right, this game was strictly based on appearances. One of my friends would say “Oh my gosh, I like totally hate my ears. Dumbo.” Someone else would say that they like their smile or their feet. Ugh. Just remembering it makes me cringe.

Now, when I think about what I would change, I always examine myself in the spiritual. Sure, I’m already thinking about how I’m going to drop this baby weight, but more so, I want to drop bad habits. I want the Holy Spirit to some in and rip something out of me. Or do I? Continue reading If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself…