Friday Findings: Privacy, Pinterest, and Loving Obama

Frieday Findings on Modern RejectSo, you may have noticed that Friday Findings have been a little absent the last few weeks. I apologize, but hopefully now that I have my act together you’ll have lots to read.

There’s so much good stuff to share. I bursting at the seams…not really, but I’m excited. Here we go:

Censoring God. My friend Moe of Beta Christian nails it. If you happen to frequent Christian blogs or you are a Christian blogger, read this!

Is Jesus the Only Way? In his usual brilliant way, Frank Viola, sets out to answer a series of question from skeptics in regards to Christianity. The portion I enjoyed best asks if Jesus is the only way? This is powerful and yet practical stuff. Necessary tools for any believer. Here’s part one to start, as well: There is a God.

College. Forget It. From the blog Christ and Pop Culture is a succinct and well-written blog post after my own heart called, Is College Worth the Money?

Pinterest and Christians. If you are a woman, chances are Pinterest has made you feel bad about yourself at some point. And yet, we keep going back. Nikki Weatherford wrote a great post called The Pinterest Guide to the Christian Life. So good.

I Love Barack Obama. Regardless of your politics (because this has absolutely nothing to do with politics) you need to read this post from Jamal Jivanjee, Why I Love Barack Hussein Obama (An Open Letter to the Saints in America). If you read nothing else, please read this. It exemplifies the Father’s love and could be one of my favorite examples of God’s heart…ever.

A Call for Privacy. From Sarah Markley over at a Deeper Story. She writes: “But we often don’t value people who are wise enough to keep some of their lives private.” This post is filled with truth and addresses our over-sharing, Instagram-loving, Facebook-updating culture.

Jesus Healed Me! Lastly, a video, which I rarely do (but am going to try and do more often actually). I watched this the other night and got choked up. We make it so complicated and it’s not. It’s so simple. God. Jesus. He loves us. He is awesome.

Did you watch the video? I mean, seriously, does it get any better? What did you discover this week that is share-worthy? Let’s hear it!

The Weight of Honesty

I understood why a lot of my friends had a crush on him. He was young, attractive enough, energetic, cool, and somehow made what should have been a boring, if not torturous class, enjoyable.

He had encouraged me to write and write more and write often. He saw past my tough talk and stubbornness and recognized a young 16-year old who, with a little push, could turn a hobby into a passion.

…A few years ago, I ran into Mr. S, as I lovingly referred to him, while we were both seated in a doctor’s office waiting room. I recognized him immediately and, as I started to make my way over to him, I saw his eyes lift and his expression change. He recognized me, too.

But as he spoke, I sensed something unfamiliar. It was sadness. I looked in his eyes and saw that he looked tired. His voice was not the voice I remembered, but was dull and monotone.

Then, I asked about his wife. He answered me and, as he did, I felt the room shift under my feet.

Come hang out with me over at Prodigal Magazine today to read more. I look forward to seeing you there.


Breakdancing Jesus

My husband and I have long discussed whether or not Jesus was a funny man. You know, not funny “ha ha” but other kinds of funny. Was he jovial, a jokster, a goof?

Did He like to play pranks on His disciples? Is that really what He was doing when He said John was His fave?

My husband imagines Jesus sitting around a fire late at night, shootin’ the breeze with His disciples. In Jonathan’s imagination, there had to have been some jokes cracked and some gas passed. I mean, there were dudes. Jesus had to laugh at farts and fart jokes because, well, almost all men do, right?

Just last night we were talking about this–Jesus being funny or not–and a few minutes later, I decided to hop over and visit Ragamuffin Soul for some reason. Lo and behold, I saw an image that some would call sacrilegious and others would call downright awesome. A picture like this only comes along once. I saw it and I smiled… Continue reading Breakdancing Jesus

Separation of Church and State: Yea or Nay?

I know I don’t talk politics much here on Modern Reject. Truth be told, I am a political junkie and I have to temper myself, otherwise this blog would become a veritable political buffet.

All that to say, sometimes something so juicy, controversial, titilating and downright hilarious ensues that it begs to be discussed.

So, if you don’t follow politics or have been asleep for the last day, here’s a quick video of what went down Wednesday (yesterday) at the Democratic National Convention:

After watching the video, you will see that the yeas and nays were basically equal. Some have argued that the nays were a bit louder and more boisterous at the end. Then we see poor Antonio Villaraigosa, the Convention Chairman, bang the gavel and push through a proposal to include “God” (and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel) into the Democratic party platform despite the obvious opposition to such language.

The takeaways are many. Political blogs and news sources are having a hay day with this one–Republicans and Democrats alike. The religious and irreligious are also foaming at the mouth.

I, for one, just want to hear what you think. I’m not here to play politics or to try and persuade anyone one way or the other. But one of the proverbial questions this whole debacle has raised is whether or not the separation of church and state is American?

More than that, is there room for God in politics? Do you think God should be included in either of the political party platforms? If God was removed from politics (as desired by those who voted nay at the DNC) what do you think would be the result?

Let’s discuss. Let’s debate. Let’s be kind, respectful, and have fun.

Transitioning Out of Our Sin

I heard a pastor tell the story once of his brief, albeit, passionate addiction to…video games. That’s right. Everyday, around lunch time, he would escape from his church office and find his way to the local mall.

There, while munching on greasy fries, he would empty his pockets of quarters into his favorite arcade game. He would sometimes spend hours shooting down digital planes before realizing that his lunch hour was long over.

No one knew what this young pastor was off doing, but he felt a strange and powerful pull to keep showing up and dopping in quarters.

After a few weeks of this, the Lord told him that this practice had become an unwelcome distraction and thus, a sin. It sounds silly. I mean, video games, really? But, this hobby had become a bit of an idol and the pastor knew it.

He decided he needed to pray. He needed God’s help. But, as he began to pray about it he was struck with a realization. Continue reading Transitioning Out of Our Sin

Confessions of a Mean Girl

I suppose it was survival. A defense mechanism developed as the result of years and years of bullying.

Girls can be mean. Vicious, really. Cruel, even.

I never saw it happening or noticed the moment when I changed. It was a transformation just like anything. A process, that took me from being who I really was to someone I never wanted to be.

The girls you read about in teen novels and who play the villain in teen movies. That was me. I was no caricature, but I was the girl that exists at every high school. I was a product of my environment.

I was bullied and so eventually, I became a bully. I was a mean girl. Continue reading Confessions of a Mean Girl

Church without You

from the archives

One of the biggest lies told, and re-told by the Church is that in order to serve, individuals must be special in some way. We are told we need a seminary degree, or a counseling degree, or 18 years of experience, or a spouse, or any other number of prerequisites.

We are made to feel inadequate or inferior. We are often told that unless we are preaching from the pulpit, leading worship, or heading up a ministry, we have very little to offer.

Many churches are super-star factories, where people file in just to catch a glimpse of the rock star pastor or worship leader on stage. They then get back in their cars, drive home, and call it a day. This is not church.

More than that, this is not who or what God had in mind for each individual believer. Every one of us has a purpose, a plan, a gift, and role in and for the body.

But, do you know how special (sorry for using the word ‘special,’ it just seems to fit) you really are in the Church? Do you understand the need the Church has for YOU? Here is a list of questions to consider in determining whether or not you are being made to feel needed and necessary in your own church body… Continue reading Church without You

GIVEAWAY: 31:Ten (Awesome Shirts for Chicks and Dudes)

*************THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED************************

Have you ever noticed how most Christian clothing is cheesy or lame? Of course you have because it is so obvious. I become visibly embarrassed when I see Christians wearing shirts that say things like “Jesus is my BFF” or “Keep Calm and Pray On.”

I cringe. It hurts.

But, then something wonderful happens and just when I’ve begun to think that all Christian apparel is trash-bin worthy, a company like 31:ten makes its appearance. Oh, and they want to give you some free stuff! Continue reading GIVEAWAY: 31:Ten (Awesome Shirts for Chicks and Dudes)

What Do You Think About God?

Before becoming a Christian, I thought of God as a kind of grand puppeteer. I mean, I didn’t tend to think He was an evil puppet master, but I certainly didn’t think God was intimate, personal, or present.

I imagined Him sitting on His throne in the clouds, judging us from above, interjecting His hand when He decided to do so, but also withdrawing His presence when He willed.

He was a sort of detached heavenly being and Jesus was just a really nice guy who tried to make things better.

Of course, upon knowing Jesus and giving Him my life, my feelings about who God was began to change. But, they didn’t necessarily change for the better… Continue reading What Do You Think About God?

I Didn’t Celebrate

Back in July, something remarkable happened, something truly miraculous and I didn’t even stop to take notice.

Somewhere at the end of the month, I glanced at a calendar and realized that I had been blogging for a whole 2 years. While this might not sound impressive, and why should it, I find it amazing.

It’s amazing that somehow, despite not really wanting this, I have it.

It’s amazing to me that anyone shows up to read the words I write when I feel certain some days that they mean nothing.

And it’s amazing that somehow, a few days a week, for two years, I have managed to find something to write about in the first place. Not to mention, having done so while raising babies, battling pain, and surrendering to the ministry God has for me.

But, blogging in all of it’s difficulties and all of its joy has taught me one very important lesson: Continue reading I Didn’t Celebrate