I’m starting a new series called: Confessions. Clever, huh? No, not really, but the purpose is to confess so many of the things I personally struggle with, keep hidden, and daily battle. My hope is that you all will join me in my confessions (Tell me I’m not alone) not to call you out, but to remind one another that we are all in constant need of His grace and mercy.
I shared with you quite a few months ago that God was indeed prompting me to homeschool my daughter for kindergarten. I shared how scared this made me, not only because I question my own abilities, but also because I never wanted to be labeled as a “homeschooling mom.”
That’s right. I’m vain. I’m selfish. Mostly, I’m vain. I so desperately wanted to avoid all of the homeschool stereotypes: denim jumpers, long hair, mini-vans, scrapbooking, soccer practice.
But alas, I submitted to the Lord and it’s official…I am a homeschooling mom. So maybe you’re wondering, is it really as bad as I had suspected? Am I already feeling the need to bake cookies and cloth diaper my babies? Well, you might be surprised…. Continue reading Confessions of a Reluctant Homeschooler
Most Christians are really good at saying “Yes, all I have is His,” and what we are saying (or what we pretend to be saying) is that our “things” and our money ultimately belong to God.
We make grand gestures about it all belonging to Him. We talk about the fact that our earthly possessions are just that…earthly. We nod our head in conversation with other believers about our financial responsibilities. We use words like “tithe”, “give”, and “steward.”
But when do we really give? And how generous is this so-called giving? Does it make us uncomfortable when we fill out the check or do we not give it a second thought? Do we tithe our 10% consistently? Or forget that, do we tithe above and beyond that 10%? Do we tithe even when our rent or mortgage is late and our fridge is empty?
So I’ve been thinking…should I continue with Favorite Things Fridays or kill it? I guess I could have taken a vote and just asked you guys, but I never got around to it.
All that to say, I’ve decided to continue Favorite Things Fridays except that from now on they won’t always be about one topic. Today, for instance, is the first of what will become many–5 Things I’m loving this week and those 5 Things will be anything from posts I’ve read on other blogs, to motherhood tips, to gear and gadgets I like.
Without further ado, today’s Favorite (5) Things…
1. Desktop wallpaper- I haven’t changed the wallpaper on my computer ever. It is the same image it has been since I first got this computer, one of the free images that’s included. Boring. I decided I needed to make a change. Which leads me to The Fox is Black, who hosts the Desktop Wallpaper Project, a collaboration with graphic artists and illustrators to offer unique, funky, and even brilliant wallpaper for your computer.
2. Color Lovers- If you are anything like me, color is important in your life. I stress over paint samples and paint chips on my home’s walls. In deciding the colors to be used on Modern Reject, for instance, I was picky and particualr. My husband, who is in marketing and branding is also a lover of color and understands its necessity in branding efforts.
He introduced me to colorlovers.com, a virtual superstore of every imaginable color palette one could dream up. There are color palettes for home, decor, web design, fashion, crafts, business–you name it.
3. Yum Berry– I’m not sure if Yum Berry is available everywhere, but it is here in Scottsdale and let me say that this self-serve frozen yogurt spot has become my new obsession. Their chocolate flavor has helped squelch many a chocolate craving for half the calories. Thank you Yum Berry. I heart you.
4. Hello Bar- Modern Reject is set to undergo a small re-design in the very near future (more on that soon, so stay tuned). One element in the new design that is up for discussion is the wonder of the Hello Bar. It is a notification bar that would drop down on the top of this site. I know, I know, usually I find these things extremely obnoxious, but this little guy is simple, streamlined, and customizable. We shall see if it makes its way to Modern Reject.
5. Pinterest- I know I’ve mentioned Pinterest before, but I’ve just got to do it again. I so love this site and their iPhone app. The hubster says I’m obsessed, well maybe I am, but I’m not worried. I’m pinning. (You can find my pins here. Follow me on Pinterest, as well.)
What have you been loving this week? What has been floating your boat, so to speak?
Wednesday is upon us, which means it time to talk about men and women. Shall we…
I’m sure that for many of you, just by reading the title of this post you could come up with a quick and simple answer. You might already feel passionately about this topic.
There are usually those who are certain that men have it easier. Better jobs, higher salary, gray hair is distinguished. There are also those who are convinced that women have it easier: They have sex on their side, can find a man to “take care” of them, and are able to de-board crashed planes first.
I’ve known so many. I’ve met so many believers who are alone. Alone in the Body. Alone in their thinking and doctrine. Alone in their expression of church.
We all know them–the person who doesn’t attend church or isn’t part of any church community. The person who walks around feeling isolated even among other Christ-followers. The person who is rejected or misunderstood for whatever reason.
I had never really considered the differences between introverts and extroverts. I had never stopped to examine what I might be. I never cared…that is, until I met my husband.
Suddenly, standing next to my then-fiance, I realized that he and I were quite different (painfully so) when it came to how we interacted with people.
One particular Sunday following a church service at the mega-church we used to attend, Jonathan was walking me around and introducing me to numerous people. As the number of new faces grew, I slowly began to shrink. I froze. I became silent. I put my head down and avoided eye contact.
He pulled me aside and, in a loving yet stern way, told me that I was coming off as rude. He knew I wasn’t rude, he explained, so something needed to change. i.e. me.
It was then that I realized that I was an introvert who had all along been posing as an extrovert. The thing I soon came to realize, also, is that “introvert” is not a dirty word…Continue reading Introvert is Not a Dirty Word
It’s Friday and that also means it’s Favorite Things Friday (sorry if you are tired of me reminding you. I’m half reminding myself and also letting any new potential readers, all three of you, know what goes on around here). You would think that I’d be running out of Favorite Things, but no, not me. I apparently love, like, lust, and covet all kinds of crap. That being said, today I am sharing with all of you, my Favorite (Guilty Pleasure) Things.
I’m not sure why I chose this topic for a Favorite Things Friday but perhaps it is because, I am secretly longing to confess these delicious, titillating, and addicting pleasures with all of you, in the hopes that I will… be freed of them? Heck no, nobody wants that. I’m hoping that, by confessing my guilty pleasures, you all will confess your own, thereby making me feel better about myself. Yup, purely selfish motives. Continue reading Favorite (Guilty Pleasure) Things
Dating, it seems, has somewhat of a bad rap in the Christian world. I’ve heard people say things like “dating is a waste of time” or “God will bring me the right person at the right time.” I’ve also heard people say that dating is harmful, dangerous even and always leads to sexual sin and immorality.
I have to admit that I find all of this talk confusing. Just because dating as we know it isn’t explicitly outlined in scripture doesn’t mean it’s wrong, does it?
I know some people object to this idea, but I confess that I see dating as a necessary and even healthy process. Dare I say it, I even think it’s okay to date someone while knowing good and well that you are not going to marry them. Sound scandalous?
Today’s post is a guest post from my awesome, talented, and brilliant husband. I asked him to write this and he kindly agreed.
It’s not a competition. So why use such a divisive title? Because, somehow, that’s what it’s become.
When Nicole and I started down the road of beginning an organic church–The Foundation, for those interested (pardon the placeholder website)–we knew in our earliest of conversations with people that the greatest “persecution” we would face would be from those we loved most. From other believers, friends, even family.
The reason Nicole asked me to write this was due to my sadness, confusion even, in reading some of the comments she’s received the past few weeks when writing about organic church. They are the same types of remarks we have become accustomed to hearing firsthand. Things like… Continue reading Organic Church vs. Traditional Church
As I was counting down to September (my baby’s due date), I realized that the year is more than half over. At the start of 2011, I was all smiles and gumdrops, but as the year has progressed, I’ve sobered up a bit.