Top 10 Christian Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

Some of you may remember the phrases I never want to hear again, like “git ‘er done” and “I’m just sayin’.” This time, I’m picking on Christians (since I am one and all).

I’m just gonna say it–Christians say some stupid things. We think we are being spiritual, Godly, helpful, wise, encouraging, but really we are sticking our big stinky feet in our big open mouth.

There are quite a few phrases within the Church that irk me. I’m guessing you feel the same. Here are the Top 10 Christians phrases I never want to hear again…starting with… Continue reading Top 10 Christian Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

Favorite (Saturday) Things

I have been eagerly awaiting this weekend. I’m not sure why, either. I don’t have anything special planned, no big event or party. I think that, with the onset of spring and pregnancy, I am just enjoying my weekends more.

When I was a kid, Saturdays represented freedom–freedom from school and teachers, the freedom to sleep in, and the freedom to sit in front of the television and waste hours of my day watching Saturday morning cartoons. Go Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Cats!

Saturdays still hold much of the same freedom, but they also include time with my lovelies and time to rest–both of which are greatly needed. So, here’s to Saturdays and My Favorite (Saturday) Things… Continue reading Favorite (Saturday) Things

A Dream for the Church

I read this quote from Frank Viola, an author, speaker and church planter, and was left feeling inspired to do the same. Here is his dream for the church, followed by my own:

“I have a dream that Jesus Christ will one day be head of His Church again, not in pious rhetoric, but in reality.

I have a dream that one day the Church of Jesus Christ will rise up to her God-given calling and live out the true meaning of her identity–which is, the very heartthrob of God Almighty–the fiance of the King of all Kings.

I have a dream that groups of Christians everywhere will begin to flesh out the New Testament reality that the Church is a living organism and not an institutional organization.”

Frank Viola

Here are my dreams for the church…then please share yours…

Continue reading A Dream for the Church

Favorite (Spring) Things

Living in Arizona prevents me from really experiencing Spring the way nature intended. We do not get to watch the snow and ice melt away, only to have the buds of green appear.

We basically go from coldish to warmish. Period. Spring. However, having lived in Boston, I really can appreciate the expression “Spring fever.” The process of defrosting and having the warm sun reappear.

Regardless of our lack of Spring in Arizona, I still love the season, filled with hope, renewal, restoration, and the promise of things to come. So without further ado , here are my Favorite (Spring) Things for Friday…

Continue reading Favorite (Spring) Things

Rob Bell on MSNBC: Truth or Something Else?

I will admit, I have not read Rob Bell’s new book Love Wins: Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. So, I am not going to try and guess, or accuse him of anything in regards to his book. If you have yet to read about the controversy surrounding this book, here is a great article.

Love Wins has led many in the Christian community to question whether or not the wildly popular pastor Bell, is in fact,  a universalist. I’m not going to guess.

Bell’s recent  interview on MSNBC, however, begs the question. I, personally, take great issue with his answers or lack thereof. I thought I’d throw it out to you all. What do you think of his answers? How would you have answered the questions posed? Or did you feel he answered well?

15 Tips to a Happy Marriage

Yesterday I wrote about being single and today I am writing about marriage. What can I say, I like to spread the love around evenly.

Earlier this week, Carlos Whitaker wrote a post on the top 11 things he and his wife do to make their marriage a happy, healthy one. I loved the post and thought I would pay homage to Los Whit by writing my own list.

I have to say, and I’m not bragging…okay, maybe I’m bragging just a teeny tiny bit…but, my husband and I have a rockin’ marriage. We enjoy marriage and we enjoy each other. We have a few tricks up our sleeve, too. Here are our 15 tips to a great marriage: Continue reading 15 Tips to a Happy Marriage

The Single Christian Woman: Blessed or Doomed?

I did not grow up in the Church. I mean, I went to church occasionally, but I was not surrounded by a community of believers. I was, therefore, not exposed to the Christian phenomena of the “Proverbs 31 woman” until much later.

It seems that, for many young Christian women, the ideal placed before them is a woman who looks like this: She is Godly, yes, but perhaps more importantly she is married, with 3.4 children, stays home to tend to the needs of her family, and bakes loaves of bread and apple pies for kicks.

This is a nice picture–a lovely one, in fact–but is this God’s only picture of a Jesus-loving woman? Can a Christian woman be seen as Godly without having children or without <gasp!> being married? Is the single Christian woman blessed or doomed? Continue reading The Single Christian Woman: Blessed or Doomed?

The Lost Art of Flirting

Everyone flirts or at least they should. Married or single? Doesn’t matter. Some people are better at it than others, sure. I’ll admit, too, that some people have no idea that their glance, eye contact, or smile could even be constituted as flirting,  but it is flirting nonetheless.

The truth is, in today’s culture of hopping in bed, STDs, and one-night stands, flirting is a lost art form. More than that, many Christian women I know are downright scared to flirt, for fear of being seen as a harlot (or floozy, or tramp, or insert description of a loose woman here: _______). And men simply don’t know how.

Flirting is needed, however. Flirting is all part of the game, whether single or not. It’s time to re-learn how to flirt. It’s time to restore the lost art of flirting… Continue reading The Lost Art of Flirting

Questions for God

I’m a bit of a question-asker. I always have been. I was the little girl, grilling her mom with the never ending “why”?

I don’t think God minds us asking questions. Jesus asked us many questions. In fact, in asking questions I have begun to understand more fully the grace of God and His sovereignty in my life. As I have grown in my faith, however, the questions have not stopped, but simply changed.

So in honor of question-askers everywhere, here are some questions I would ask God. Maybe I will get to in heaven. Some are big, perhaps unanswerable questions. Others are small, trivial, even silly questions. But again, I don’t think He minds.

Continue reading Questions for God