What Do Women Want?

Hello Wednesday and hello He Said/She Said day. As I was starting to write today’s post, I scribbled down in my journal “What do Women Want?” and next to it, in the margin, I also wrote, “Who knows…”

The question of what do women want is an age-old one that poets, philosophers, psychiatrists, and the like have attempted to answer for centuries. Truth be told, I don’t think many women actually know what they want.

Well, let me re-phrase. They think they know what they want, but very often, it is not until they get what they think they want, that they realize it is not what they need at all.

There is a reason for this though. One phenomenon in particular has done an excellent job of confusing and cajoling women. You might know what I’m going to say… Continue reading What Do Women Want?

15 Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do to Your Single Friends

Today’s post is from Ally Spotts, who has a rockin’ blog where she discusses faith, relationships, and life in general. Her new project is Prodigal Magazine, which she and her husband now run. Check it out, too.

I’ve been single for quite some time now and after all these years I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

Although, of all the things that you want to be “good” at in life, I’m not sure that being single is one of them… It depends on whom you ask, I guess.

Anyway, in all this time I’ve spent being single I’ve learned a thing or two about a thing or two, and one of the things I’ve learned is that married people sometimes say and do the weirdest things to their single friends.

It’s like the minute they visit the alter they instantly forget what it was like to be single…

Don’t get me wrong. I know that my married friends have the best intentions. But since I care, and since I’m bored and lonely and sitting home all alone on a Friday night (just kidding) here is my attempt to point you in the right direction.

Here are 15 Things You Should Never Say/Do To Your Single Friends… Continue reading 15 Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do to Your Single Friends

Married, Christian and Sexy

Today’s post is from Antwuan Malone and is the second part in our “Christian and sexy” series. Last week we discussed singles. Today we are talking about married people. To read my thoughts on whether or not Christians be married and sexy, head over to Antwuan’s blog.

It’s funny hearing married people talk about what’s sexy.

At a marriage conference several years ago, someone performed a skit about how sexy it is to see a man, of all things, vacuuming a floor. Yes, vacuuming the floor. Seriously. I mean, the guy in the skit grabbed that vacuum, and the ladies in the crowd went bananas. You’d think it was Bradley Cooper or Johnny Depp or <insert your fave Hollywood hunk here>.

Vacuuming? Really?

Funny because when those aforementioned hunks of Hollywood show up on screen, they don’t seem to need a vacuum, or a dust mop, or a “kiss the cook” apron for the ladies to swoon. I’m just saying. I could go on about that but there’s a word limit to adhere to and question to answer.

The question: Is it okay to be married, Christian, and sexy? Continue reading Married, Christian and Sexy

Is It Okay To Be Christian, Single… and Sexy?

This guest post by Antwuan Malone is asking the question: Can you be Christian, single and sexy? Likewise, I tackle this “sexy” question over at his blog. Head  on over to read my perspective, as well.

I wonder how Jesus feels about the way we dress today? Back in the day, Jesus probably rocked some sandals. What would he wear today? Jeans and a Tee? Khakis and a polo? A suit? Leather pants?

Would Jesus go swimming? And if so, would he finish P90x first, or do some pushups to, you know, make sure his pecs had a little “pop?”

Did Jesus ever have a crush? Ever care about being attractive, about being sexy?

I know. We can’t answer those questions. And frankly, it feels a wee unfair to even ask. Scripture doesn’t show Jesus concerned with girlfriends or attracting women, ever. I guess a wife and kid wasn’t in the plans for him (and for good reason).

But if that’s the case, what can Jesus teach us about attracting the opposite sex? How would Jesus respond to the question of whether it’s okay for single Christians to be sexy? Continue reading Is It Okay To Be Christian, Single… and Sexy?

15 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Happy Wednesday and happy He Said/She Said day. In the past, i have written quite a bit about sex. I guess I’ve got sex on the brain, what can I say. I’ve covered topics like male sexuality and the controversial issue of having sex even when you don’t feel like it.

Today, I thought I’d devote a post to sex yet again. This time I’m sharing ways to improve your sex life. I am, of course, working under the assumption that the two people doing the horizontal mambo are married…’cause that’s how I roll.

Here are 15 ways to improve your sex life: Continue reading 15 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

A Hospital Visit and the Result…

I spent much of yesterday laying in a hospital bed. I started having contractions, which I shouldn’t be having at 25 weeks of pregnancy.

I was never really nervous. I felt peace and knew God would allow everything to be okay…and He did. I did leave the hospital though, feeling ever grateful for the little things in life that we often take for granted:

A spouse who cares for us and serves us. A child who looks at us like we are the coolest thing that ever happened.  A friend’s self-sacrificing act. An unborn child protected by God. A life given in sacrifice.

I find it to be no coincidence either, that as I am feeling overwhelmed with all we have to be thankful for, it also happens to be Memorial Day weekend.

I’ve never understood how mega-retailers and small town shops alike, equate deep discounts and “slashing prices” on refrigerators with honoring those who have given their life in sacrifice. Maybe it’s just me..

Regardless, I am thankful for those who have fallen in the pursuit of freedom and service. I am grateful for the sacrifice made by so many families–sacrifices, that I admit, I am perhaps too selfish to make.

This Memorial Day weekend what are you thankful for? What little thing that often slips your attention is actually worthy of praise? Do you have any fallen soldiers or even veteran’s who you would like to honor? Please do so in the comments.

P.S. I was asked by the too-cool David N. Miles to be a part of his Feature Friday, where he highlights a particular blogger. Woo hoo! Please check it out and leave some comment love.

image props

3 Things I Wish I Had Known About Men

Welcome to Wednesday–a day devoted to discussing two of my favorite people: men and women.

I think I know men pretty well (Do I sound like I’m bragging…’cause I am). Women tend to think men are much more complex than they actually are.

Women, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more complicated…or at least we like to pretend we are.

Looking back to when I was younger, however, I wonder how much of a grasp I really had on the opposite sex. I’ve learned a lot since high school and college. Most of those lessons have come the hard way.

What I know about men now, I wish I had known sooner. Here’s 3 things I wish I had known about men, back then… Continue reading 3 Things I Wish I Had Known About Men

My Divided Family

My family is a little crazy…and not in that funny-sorta-adorable-eccentric-way (okay, maybe we are a little bit of that) We are also what is known as “dysfunctional,” in every loving sense of the word.

If you were to ask them, however, I doubt they would say the same. They would probably peg me as the crazy one because I am the “Christian.” Guilty as charged.

I am the one they see as hateful, self-centered, self-righteous, and holier-than-thou. Over the last year and a half, I have experienced some of the darkest days within my own family. It has read like a novel, complete with lies, deceit and betrayal.

What continues to surprise me, however, is that people often call Christians “judgmental” and “hypocritical” when in fact, they are actually the ones displaying such behavior. Continue reading My Divided Family

Is it Really a Man's World?

Is it Really a Man's World?

I have written a few times on He Said/She Said Wednesdays about my desire for women to act more like men in some regards. In the way women treat friendships, for instance, they could learn a few things from men. On the other hand, I have also expressed my belief that in order for women to feel truly fulfilled, they must embrace their God-given role as women.

There are benefits to being a man. There are benefits to being a woman. One sex is suppose to be gentle, submissive, and maternal. One sex is suppose to be tough, assertive, and somewhat stoic.

I, for one, would never give up being a woman. I like all the perks and there are many. But is it fair to say that one sex has it easier than another? Many people, including many women, would argue that it is a male-dominated world. Men ruled then and they rule now.

Despite all the advancement of the feminist movement and women’s liberation, I wonder : Is it really a man’s world? Continue reading Is it Really a Man's World?

Favorite (Tolan) Things

My son, Tolan, is fast approaching his third birthday. In the last few months, it seems that he has had a huge growth spurt, complete with added inches to his height and words to his vocabulary.

Every other day he is doing or saying something brand new. Yet, as the birth of this next baby grows closer (and I grow larger), the reality that Tolan will no longer be “the baby” sets in.

My son is a boy. All boy. He is the opposite of his sister. He is a little man who does little man things in a little man body. He is entertaining, to say the least. Here are some of the funny things he says and awesomely boy things he does… Continue reading Favorite (Tolan) Things